debian-l10n-french Feb 2011 by thread
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[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-2157.wml David Prévot
[DONE] wml://CD/index.wml David Prévot
[DONE] wml://events/2011/0205-release-party.wml David Prévot
[DONE] wml://security/2011/dsa-2152.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://devel/debian-installer/errata.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://CD/index.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://News/2010/20110205b.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://releases/squeeze/debian-installer/index.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://ports/index.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://devel/website/errors/404.wml David Prévot
[DONE] ddp://release-notes/moreinfo.po David Prévot
[RFR] ddp://release-notes/whats-new.po David Prévot
[RFR] wml://releases/squeeze/{errata,credits,reportingbugs}.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-devel-debian.wml David Prévot
erreur dans ddp://release-notes/upgrading.po Thomas Blein
[DICO] passphrase et patch (Était : [RFR2] po-debconf://wvdial/fr.po) David Prévot
[RFR] wml://CD/live/index.wml David Prévot
[RFR] po-debconf://debian-installer/fr.po (partman-zfs) Christian PERRIER
[RFR] wml://devel/debian-live/index.wml David Prévot
Re: [RFR2] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-devel-debian.wml Stéphane Blondon
petite faute sur la nouvelle Publication de Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" jjfinazzi
[RFR] wml://volatile/index.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://News/2011/20110209.wml David Prévot
emdebian-crush 2.2.11: Please update the PO translation for the package emdebian-crush Neil Williams
[RFR] wml://News/2009/20090523.wml David Prévot
[MAJ] po-debconf://docbookwiki/fr.po 3u Christian PERRIER
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-2158.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://MailingLists/desc/{user/debian-user-slovenian,devel/debian-x} David Prévot
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-2160.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-2161.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{2,3}.wml David Prévot
coquille humbert . olivier . 1
[TAF] wml://News/2011/20110215.wml David Prévot
Re: Fwd: Bug#611413: xfonts-100dpi-transcoded: [l10n-fr] Typo issues in description file Cédric Boutillier
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml David Prévot
- Re: [RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [LCFC] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml David Prévot
- Re: [LCFC] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Stéphane Blondon
- [DONE] wml://security/2011/dsa-216{4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-{news,devel-debian}.wml David Prévot
[RFR] po-debconf://lilo/fr.po Christian PERRIER
[RFR] wml://security/201{0/dsa-2119,1/dsa-2170.wml}.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://devel/website/thankyou.wml David Prévot
multistrap 2.1.12: Please update the PO translation for the package multistrap Neil Williams
multistrap 2.1.12: Please update the PO translation for the multistrap docs Neil Williams
[RFR] wml://security/201{0/dsa-2118,1/dsa-2171.wml}.wml David Prévot
Compendium et rapport d'erreur David Prévot
Traductions de win32-loader Christian PERRIER
erreur de traduction hogren
[RFR] wml://security/201{0/dsa-2117,1/dsa-2172}.wml David Prévot
[TAF] po-debconf://nvidia-common/fr.po 8u Christian PERRIER
[DONE] po-debconf://kdelibs4/fr.po David Prévot
[RFR] wml://News/201{0/20100222,1/20110223}.wml David Prévot
[BTS#614903] po-debconf://cacti/fr.po Christian PERRIER
[BTS#615039] po-debconf://dnprogs/fr.po Christian PERRIER
de retour sur le DDTSS Adrien
[RFR] wml://security/2011/dsa-217{3,4}.wml David Prévot
[RFR] wml://News/weekly/2011/03/index.wml David Prévot
[ITT] po4a://dctrl-tools/fr.po David Prévot
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