debian-kde Nov 2009 by thread
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Re: automatic mounting of an encrypted harddrive Tobias Schula
Nov 7 TODAY & Nov 22 - Join Global FreeSW GNU(Linux) HW Culture meeting via VOIP - BerkeleyTIP GlobalTIP - For Forwarding john_re
RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200] Ing. Tadeo Vargas
KDE Support in Debian Scott
[article]: Status Of KNetworkManager Nick Boyce
Screen and projector resolution Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
Humble question regarding kde 4.3.3 Dietz Pröpper
where to file bug report? Andreas v. Heydwolff
Kontact eats appointments, todos and journals Dietz Pröpper
Misbehaving Multimedia Keys elyk53
Roadmap until the spring? Adrian von Bidder
kde session question roberto
No xorg dependency for kde-minimal? Diederik de Haas
Iceweasel doesn't close when run on KDE Manolete, ese artista...
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Iceweasel doesn't close when run on KDE Federico Brega
KGpg vs. Kleopatra Michael Schuerig
konqueror non trova java roberto
Re: Upload of KDE 4.3.3? Modestas Vainius
high CPU usage in certain apps Marcus Better
help didier
KDE + Compiz question B. Alexander
3 button mouse emulation unreliable in Lenny Chris Austin
KDE-Edu survey Lydia Pintscher
The last update was on 17:40 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 127 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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