debian-java Nov 2006 by subject
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Re: /usr/bin/jar and Provides:
Оплата труда: изменения в законодательстве
[RFC-DRAFT] Debian-Java point of view about JDK under the GPL
Re: Bug#387875: Patch for ARM gcj
Re: Bug#390661: [Pljava-dev] pljava on Debian AMD64: undefined symbol: JNI_CreateJavaVM during installation
Bug#399305: ITP: subversive -- The Subversive is a Eclipse plug-in that provides Subversion support
conhecendo o debian
Re: Debian-Edu and Java
Re: Debian-Edu and Java (Was: java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWTtoolkit:
Debian-Edu and Java (Was: java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit:
eclipse - problem installing new features
Re: Eclipse in Stable
Etch: Installation of Tomcat 5.5: Provides: of sun-java5-jre pkg obviously ignored
Re: gcj/java status
isos debian
isos do debian
ITP TagSoup - library or application.
ITP: openjdk-compiler
ITP: openjdk-hotspot-jvm -- Hotspot JVM from Sun
Re: java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit:
java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit:
JDK is GPL now! a package in main requested
JPEG image writer in libgcj
Naming a 32-bit/64-bit specific Java package
New request for checking: Java library tagsoup (ITP #359170)
Packaging questions
Problems with Java, SableVM, & LimeWire
Request for checking: Java library tagsoup (ITP #359170)
Starting JBoss from Eclipse
Tomcat status
Tomcat5.5 bugfix package - please test
tomcat5.5 xslt processing
tomcat5.5, 6.0 and version control
tomcat5.5, gcj and security manager
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