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Re: Request for checking: Java library tagsoup (ITP #359170)

Paul Cager wrote:

>> Is this a library? Please name the binary package "libtagsoup-java".

> This is a bit of a gray area. TagSoup is predominantly a library, but
> has a "Main" method which is used fairly frequently as a development
> tool. "java -jar tagsoup.jar" often appears in documentation

Ok, then it's up to you. I would perhaps classify it as a library, even if
it has a Main method, since you are not providing an executable
in /usr/bin.

> Yes, I agree it could be clearer. This was the original author's
> wording; am I at liberty to change it?

I think that's only an explanation, not the license itself, right? So it's
not necessary to put that in the copyright file. Dual-licensing is not too
uncommon so I think most readers understand, or can find out, what it


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