Re: Packaging questions
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 05:03:22PM +0100, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> On 11/13/06, Benjamin Mesing <> wrote:
> >[Why is it, that nobody honors my request for CC?]
> >
> >Thanks for the answers. I would definitely recommend to create a
> >java5.0-compiler and java5.0-runtime package.
> I don't like the idea because the development environment is not just
> about a compiler; also, there are plans for java6 and java7: how many
> virtual package will we have in Debian?
> As Java should be compatible with old compiled code, we should drop
> old jdk's/jre's when new are out. Maybe keep two version at the same
> time for a moment and then, drop it.
> The evolution of GNU Classpath will soon permit we move every package
> to java5. We'll have to refactory the way we create the java virtual
> packages with the Sun's jdk/jre in main in April or so.
I fully agree. And if we create virtual packages they should be
something that confirm to some kind of standard.
// Ola
> Cheers,
> --
> Arnaud Vandyck
> --
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