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Re: Bug#390661: [Pljava-dev] pljava on Debian AMD64: undefined symbol: JNI_CreateJavaVM during installation

Hi, Matthias,

Matthias Klose wrote:

>> So it should be reassigned to pljava.

Somehow, the but reassignment did not work. Matthias, can you try it?

>> However, I read the Debian Changes of libgcj, and did not find any clear
>> mentioning of why and how that was changed.
> these are changes pulled from gcc-4.2/classpath-0.92. JNI_CreateJavaVM
> can be found in libjvm.

So it seems we need to change the linker flags in the Makefile, right?

> Note that it's not necessary anymore to include the precompiled jar
> file in the library.

Personally, I see it as an advantage to have the precompiled jar
included in the library, that eases deployment.

> Building native code using dh_nativejava and/or
> aot-compile should be used instead.

dh_nativejava would be ugly for upstream, it will only fix the problem
for deban users, I presume?

> Documentation pending ...

Any progress here?

Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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