debian-edu May 2012 by thread
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GOSA² not generating passwords? olea
iTALC2 package source in Git ( Mike Gabriel
Bug#673467: suggests removed packages Ana Guerrero
Changes to the debian-edu Alioth project membership Petter Reinholdtsen
Debian Edu Packaging Team Mike Gabriel
Gnash = useless Ole-Anders Andreassen
Importing users in to gosa Knut Olav Bøhmer
Re: help domain Petter Reinholdtsen
kta hingga 5x credit card atau 300 jt dr permata bank solusi_dana99
Diskless and Kerberos Giorgio Pioda
Printers not showing up on diskless workstations. Helge Tore Høyland
Propuesta para su pagina web jose valencia
Single sign on to windows? George
Speed - Lenny vs Squeeze Ole-Anders Andreassen
How to run script after login George
Thin clients or Diskless WS? George
Wheezy status Giorgio Pioda
How to limit logout options in squeeze (using lxde)? George
[KIWIX] New Debian packages for Offline Wikipedia Emmanuel Engelhart
apt-get upgrade questions Giorgio Pioda
The last update was on 20:28 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 154 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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