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ajaXplorer and slx-ldap


i'm trying to setup ajaXplorer ( http://ajaxplorer.info/ ) on a (still) lenny based skolelinux server. ajaXplorer comes with an ldap plugin. To get an ldap authentication i've to set this variables ( description is here: http://ajaxplorer.info/plugins/auth/ldap/#tabs-2 )

        "LDAP_URL" => 'ldaps://',
        "LDAP_USER" => 'cn=admin,ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no',
        'LDAP_PASSWORD' => 'mySecretPassword',
        "LDAP_DN" => 'ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no',
        "LOGIN_REDIRECT" => false,
        "AUTOCREATE_AJXPUSER" => false,
        "TRANSMIT_CLEAR_PASS" => true,
        "LDAP_FILTER" => "objectClass=uid"
        "LDAP_USERATTR" => 'samaccountname'

(i used this post http://ajaxplorer.info/community/forum/?vanilla_redir=discussion%2F1234%2Fsolved-how-to-configure-ldaps-some-working-samples... to set this values )

I can connect to the ldap-db, but i cannot find users. Can someone tell me, which values are correct?

Thank you, Martin

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