debian-edu Apr 2006 by thread
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DebianEdu @ Debconf6 Lior Kaplan
[Bug 1080] Xdebconfigurator sets up xserver-svga as driver bugzilla-skolelinux
Bug#364262: debian-edu: FTBFS: Missing build dependency. Kurt Roeckx
Processed: Bug#364262: debian-edu: FTBFS: Missing build dependency. Debian Bug Tracking System
Prepare for moving the svn repository Petter Reinholdtsen
[Bug 939] Unable to unlink device node for vg_groups. bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1060] ltsp-make-client breaks dhcpd.conf bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1079] Kiten installed, Kanji Fonts missing -> Kiten unusable bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1073] chroot looses nameresolution becouse resolv.conf links to nonexsistant resolvconf bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1074] dead link in chroot/etc/rcx.d directories bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1076] Remove point postfix mailer in munin overview because exim is uesd. bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 941] Needed place for serving global data to clients bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1069] Segfault for some reason because of a folder owned by the group Students bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1078] No sound on thinclients using "non-esd" software bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 475] Missing PCMCIA-support (kernel-pcmcia-modules) bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 534] .doc and .rtf opens in different editors (OOo and abiword) from mozilla bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 477] Not able to cancel more than one printjob in CUPS at a time bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 665] Webmin NFS Exports uses non-existing script bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 499] Easy setup of user restrictions bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 865] Wish: Who's where? Synced list of users logged in bugzilla-skolelinux
DESA-2006-004: kernel-image-2.4.27-i386 Morten Werner Olsen
Authenticate Mac against slx ldap Trond Mæhlum
.xsession-errors becoms bigger and bigger...... Ole-Anders Andreassen
A headhunter called asking about contributors to a student project Knut Yrvin
[Bug 1004] networked (not only kde) configs, remaining steps bugzilla-skolelinux
[Bug 1081] New: Debian-Edu CD could need following info in the readme files bugzilla-skolelinux
sarge kernel-image for woody? Frank Weißer
Processed: confirmed and pending Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#365140: debian-edu-config: enable-nat ignore other script that may exists to set up firewall rules Finn-Arne Johansen
What did I do, and what happened during the debcamp in Narvik. Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#311188: conffiles in /etc Luk Claes
personal experience: the time in oslo and narvik Steffen Joeris
The last update was on 06:01 GMT Sat May 04. There are 161 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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