debian-amd64 Apr 2006 by thread
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Accessing USB drives on a Dell PE SC430 Greg Gilmour
starting X interferes with NFS hendrik
What's the status of KDE in testing/etch? Steve Juranich
Error in Repository ? Hans
Ganhe Dinheiro em Casa *_bebbereto_*
Xorg broken in dual-head mode Raimund Jacob
fakeroot make-jpkg fails with 1.5 update 06 Marc D. Murray
amd64 bit sarge support: How long will support last? Noah Dain
ADS Gudjon I. Gudjonsson
Keyboard error Gudjon I. Gudjonsson
Xorg 7.0 and keyboard (again) Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
debconf half-configured etch Igor TAmara
xfonts-utils missing? Anders E. Andersen problem Angus Mackenzie
getting libc6 updated after uml-utilities screwup ldoolitt
forcedeth fails on second port with error -12 Sebastian Haase
PCIExpress and PCI video card together Sebastian Haase
"Testing" installer on CD/DVD requires 'Net access. Andrew M.A. Cater
Re: Bug#340982: libjasper-runtime: Images are not created correctly Roland Stigge
new install Koen Tavernier
problems with gnome and aptitude... sigi
Recommended sources.list for new etch installs. Gaute Strokkenes
Mixed system: which way better? Vadym Honcharuk
Sad State of ATI Driver (was xfonts-utils missing?) Fielder George Dowding
upgrade preload fails Niclas Wahlgren
CUPS stopped printing after upgrade Andrei Mikhailovsky
Xorg 7.0 start problem antonio giulio
sources.list for amd64 Stephen Woodbridge
xlibs? Rafael Rodríguez
Troubles with debuild since devscripts 2.9.17 Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
Sarge on 100GB SATA Drives Siju George
installation glitches: doesn't work Johannes Wiedersich
debian-amd64 install Francesco Pietra
spamd segfault Francisco Gimeno
sources.list problem Russ Cook
Installer error: Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc Robert Hulme
sid udev users, be careful with udev upgrade Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
Proc. AMD Athlon64 2800+ on ASUS K8V-X
Proc. AMD Athlon64 2800+ on ASUS K8V-X (2)
Missing firefox source and unofficial debian-amd64 breakage Goswin von Brederlow
random crashes after installing X with nvidia hendrik
dist-upgrade sarge to etch sigi
jackd zombifies on dual core amd64 system Matthew Yee-King
mysql-server-5.0: double free or corruption -> ABRT Chris Yeoh
64bit kernel for i386, apt-get-multiarch - poor mans multiarch Goswin von Brederlow
hard disk fails? / mounted read-only Igor TAmara
Re: broken ia32-libc6 / libc6-i386 Harald Dunkel
amd64 updates? Jonathan Kaye
chroot problems Lubos Vrbka
problem with kernel Bartosz BOGUSZEWSKI
vserver amd64 debootstrap lands in unstable Eugen Leitl
autofs and openoffice thomas parquier
rxvt won't start Russ Cook
chroot sigi
VMware + Perl failure. Jan Brons
AMD64 Karl Schmidt
Help... messed around with insserv Wolfgang Mader
Once again: OOo2 sigi
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