debian-kde Oct 2002 by subject

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libarts libarts1 libarts1-alsa ? link that breaks konqueror looking for MP3-PLAYER FOR KDE Loss of https in konq after Debian 3.0 dist-upgrade Magiconf making realplayer work with konqueror in kde 3.0.4 Modfile (libmikmod?) support in noatun Mosfet's Liquid and Korn My KDE Headaches -links Noatun Re: Noatun (was mp3-player) Not able to connect to my system at home from work OpenPGP Plugin Packaging a KDevelop project for debian PPC prining... problems Printing, CUPS, and filters Problem when listing contents of a directory Problem with file associations in 3.1beta2 Problem with KApptemplate Problem with konqueror 3.1beta2 and a website Problem with Quanta problems with dist-upgrade (libarts) problems with linking kde-programms problems with multimedia in kde 3.0.3 on debian unstable probs with 1 file in 2 packages Qt 3.0.5. does not contain qmake & moc? qt designer and mysql Qt example & doc Quanta runing slowly Quanta+ 3.0.0_1 Question about upgrade KDE 3.0.4 Realplayer problem Rebuilding kdelibs for Sid resync: qt-copy patch, kde snapshot debs RFC: dh_splitinstall in kde packaging Ruminations on package locations Running stuff on login and logout saving files crashes application screensaver complains can't find X includes Segfault compiling KDE 3.0.4 Slightly OT: Debian + ext3 -> Sid a solution for libpng problem? Solved! was Re: Loss of https in konq after Debian 3.0 dist-upgrade Some clarity some problems for kde3.1beta2 debian packages special characters (umlauts) in konqueror 3.0.3 HTML styles work / don't work subscribe Subscribe subscribe test Testing: libqt packages break kde3 styles Text Links Won't Open In Konqueror tip hardwire Tranparent Konsole unusable -- Gnome 2 related? Trying to build on PPC unsubscribe UNSUBSCRIBE unsubscribe URGENT Qt 3.0.5 + SQL = unconnected? using ifile with kmail? why kde and gnome's menu situation sucks Will the packages be official debian? xmms won't work after installing Realplayer xmmsarts in 3.0.3 yes i am alive ;) The last update was on 09:16 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 699 messages. Page 2 of 2.

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