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Re: [Ceph-maintainers] Bug#850906: ceph FTBFS on armel, libtool/linker related issues.
Re: [pkg-go] Bug#852959: Bug#852959: prometheus FTBFS on armhf: fails
[RFC] The PIE unholy mess
Re:[SOLVED]missed keystrokes problem, back with a vengeance.
AIGLX not working
ARM new boot.scr does not allow the device to boot
Bug#850906: ceph FTBFS on armel, libtool/linker related issues.
Bug#851273: libstdc++-6-dev: error when installing together with libstdc++-6-dev:armel
Bug#851379: dietlibc FTBFS on arm64: Bus error when running tst-calloc.c
Bug#853793: dpkg: ABI mismatch detector is too strict on armel/armhf
Re: d-i on Firefly-rk3288. Solved missing mmc and eth
debian-installer failure with arm64 (was RE: laxton (softiron) boot failure with Debian linux-image-4.7.0-0.bpo.1-arm64)
Re: graphicsmagick/1.3.25-7 build reschedule on armhf
How do I turn the radio in a pi 3b off
keyboard went funkity with last nights update
missed keystrokes problem, back with a vengeance.
screen snapshot utility needed on an r-pi 3b running jessie
Softiron (Overdrive-3000) firmware bugs ?
Re: SOLVED keyboard went funkity with last nights update
U-boot menu support in Debian
xset +dpms is not controlling monitor powerdown on raspberry pi 3b
The last update was on 06:01 GMT Sun Apr 21. There are 98 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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