Re: debian-installer failure with arm64 (was RE: laxton (softiron) boot failure with Debian linux-image-4.7.0-0.bpo.1-arm64)
On Tue, 2017-01-03 at 18:48 +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> (CCing debian-arm, because I think this is now something related to
> d-i
> on ARML.)
> Hi. I'm writing with my Xen Project hat on. We have two Softiron
> ARM64 servers which I am trying to get up and running in our CI
> system.
> I also tried jessie with a backports kernel, and that has similar
> trouble.
I suppose this (jessie w/ backports kernel) is the mg-debian-installer-
update stuff to wedge the backports kernel into the stable installer
initrd in osstest I wrote way back when?
In that scenario the "Continue the install without loading kernel
modules?" message is expected and (working from memory here) should be
preseeded to be ignored.
If you are still getting the disk not found issue with the backports
kernel then maybe you need to add some more modules (or directories
full of modules) to the whitelist in mg-debian-installer-update? Might
be worth experimenting with a hacked version which includes all modules
to confirm? If that helps then `lsmod` from the d-i shell might give
you a clue what is missing.
The other alternative would be that some required modules are
completely missing in Debian's kernel config, but your subsequent
success with the daily images suggests that isn't the case. However one
small (but perhaps important) difference is that jessie-backports (and
stretch, but you are blocked there by the initrd vs archive version
skew) currently have 4.8.11-1 while sid has 4.8.15-1, maybe there have
been fixes for your platform in the interim?
I don't recall if the daily images use the testing or sid kernel, but I
think it is sid, so maybe it is worth trying a hacked version of mg-
debian-installer which wedges in the sid rather than jessie-backports
> Ultimately, though,
> I'm hoping to be able to get this working with jessie.
If the sid kernel works then this should naturally filter through once
the kernel migrates and the jessie-backports upload which follows
occurs, at which point the jessie + backports kernel scenario should
start to work.
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