Re: graphicsmagick/1.3.25-7 build reschedule on armhf
On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 09:06:45PM +0100, László Böszörményi (GCS) wrote:
> Hi,
> Back in time the build of GraphicsMagick failed. Later I could build
> it on an armhf porter box and just did the same on a Qemu emulated
> armhf box with a pbuilder setup.
> Please reschedule its build on the official buildds, it seems it will
> build correctly this time.
Give back. Note that Qemu isn't accurate presentation. The errorSIGILL being
consistent on only Webp tests in buildd log[1] might suggest that libwebp is
using NEON instructions. Qemu and most armv7 hardware has NEON support, however a
small subset, including our buildd's doesn't support NEON.
For accurate test, run on porter machine, which is identical to
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