Re: ARM new boot.scr does not allow the device to boot
Am Samstag, den 14.01.2017, 15:49 -0800 schrieb Vagrant Cascadian:
> On 2017-01-14, permondes - sagen wrote:
> > I am using an OLinuXino A20 LIME with arm.
> > boot.scr used to have the following content (I removed the initial
> > non-readable characters) which let boot the device without issues:
> ...
> >> for pathprefix in ${image_locations}
> >> do
> >> if test -e ${device} ${partition} ${pathprefix}vmlinuz-${fk_kvers}
> >> then
> >> load ${device} ${partition} ${kernel_addr_r} ${pathprefix}vmlinuz-${fk_kvers} \
> >> && load ${device} ${partition} ${fdt_addr_r} ${pathprefix}${fdtpath} \
> >> && load ${device} ${partition} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${pathprefix}initrd.img-${fk_kvers} \
> >> && echo "Booting Debian ${fk_kvers} from ${device} ${partition}..." \
> >> && bootz ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r}:${filesize} ${fdt_addr_r}
> >> fi
> >> done
> >
> > Which does not allow the device to boot.
> > None of the variables in that script is set in the current environment.
> > As work-around I am currently copying a saved version of the former file content to boot.scr.
> > How can I make the new file work?
> Which version of u-boot are you using? This script should work with the
> u-boot shipped in the u-boot-sunxi package in Debian. If it doesn't,
> please file a bug report on the flash-kernel package, which is what's
> generating the boot.scr.
> live well,
> vagrant
I am running TESTING with u-boot 2016.11+dfsg1-3 and the same version
for u-boot-sunxi. According to the packages home page, this should be
the latest version. Flash-kernel is 3.73.
I filed a bug report.
Thanks, Dietmar
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