Re: missed keystrokes problem, back with a vengeance.
On Monday 30 January 2017 22:46:07 Christopher Barry wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 12:47:34 -0500
> Gene Heskett <> wrote:
> >On Sunday 29 January 2017 11:58:57 Paul Wise wrote:
> >> On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> > However, I have now had 5 different keyboards plugged into it,
> >> > some wired, some wireless, and none of them can give me a
> >> > dependable response to a key, and the error seems much worse for
> >> > the key-up event.
> >>
> >> Check the different layers of the problem:
> >>
> >> CPU: login via SSH and make sure things are running.
> >
> >My home network is isolated from the internet by NAT-ing thru a
> > dd-wrt router, so all my addresses are 192.168.xx.yy, and this
> > machine has an ssh -Y pi@raspi link up at all times unless I haven't
> > restarted it since the last pi reboot. Over that link, the echo's
> > are noticeably faster, and the typo's are all mine.
> >
> >> USB protocol: use wireshark to see if the keyboard event packets
> >> are reaching the device.
> >
> >I'll have to install these tools. And I'll report what I find. I
> > was not aware that wireshark could tap into a usb circuit.
> >
> >> Linux input layer: use input-events from input-utils to monitor
> >> events
> >>
> >> evdev Linux layer: use libevdev-tools or evemu-tools to monitor
> >> events
> >>
> >> libinput Wayland/Xorg layer: use libinput-debug-events from
> >> libinput-tools to monitor events
> >>
> >> Xorg layer: use xev to monitor events
> >
> >I'll print this and see if I can do some troubleshooting (and report
> >what I find)while makeing a second clamp ring to fit the rear hub of
> >the chuck's backer, as insurance against unscrewing the chuck by a
> >potentially violent reversal of the spindle. This chuck and backer
> > are screwed onto the spindle nose as 70 years ago, lathes weren't
> > expected to run backwards, so no provision to pin it, hence drawbolt
> > closed clamps. 2, bolted together, to join the spindles thrust
> > flange to the hub extension. That should hold at least to the
> > rhapsody. :)
> >
> >This is quite thourough, thank you.
> >
It turned out that a couple ferrite clamp-ons on the usb cable right at
the pi were just what the Dr. ordered, fixed it right up.
> >Cheers, Gene Heskett
> What your doing here has serious legs Gene! I mean it. It's a
> goldmine. 80 and kickin ass! I can only hope...
82 & kicking gently else I damage my diabetic feet. Because a diabetics
injuries heal so slow, a damaged toe might have to be amputated because
of gangrene. So I take precautions.
> So, take a page from Frank here[1], and make your thing happen too.
> Nice cashflow augmentation, /and/ a great way to pass on your wisdom.
> Setup automatic video[2] to capture what you're doing.
In actuality, its all hobby & the cashflow is 99.9999% negative.
> I for one will definitely come watch it!
> [1]
> [2]
I think you would come to the conclusion that I am a messy eater. My work
arena, a 14x24 garage I built virtually single-handedly in 2008, is
filled to over flowing, and in serious need of janitorial work, with
very narrow paths to get around. Air hoses and drop cords on the floor
to trip me up, not to meantion a pile of mahogany seasoning on a rug in
the middle of it all, as I do some woodworking on these same tools. I
like the Green and Green joints for furniture, but I carve them on a
Grizzly G0704 mill I've converted to cnc.
I've not looked at those 2 links, although I do watch youtube and have
figured out that the subscription fees are somehow rendered back to the
videographer. No clue how much they get though.
This guy Frank obviously has a bank account with at least 4 more digits
left of the decimal point than I do, and looks 20 years younger. You
can see what we looked like 13 years ago on the front page of my web
page, url in the sig. I am about 30 lbs lighter now, helps my sugar.
> Cheers,
> -C
> (an infant graybeard by your standards)
We've managed to skip the infant mortality. :)
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <>
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