Re: SOLVED keyboard went funkity with last nights update
On Wednesday 18 January 2017 21:33:15 Alan Corey wrote:
> Sounds like a problem with the alternatives configurator,
Whats this utilities real name, I'll run it just for S&Giggles. Says
setupcon, but it won't run from an ssh -Y login.
> a Debian
> thing that's also in Raspbian. If it bites again that wasn't the
> right way to change it. Mine looks like:
> # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
> XKBMODEL="pc101"
> XKBOPTIONS="terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
> BACKSPACE="guess"
> On 1/18/17, Gene Heskett <> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 18 January 2017 17:24:39 Alan Corey wrote:
> >> > 13.719] (**) Option "xkb_variant" "alt-intl"
> >>
> >> There's no xkb_variant in my xorg log but other than that I don't
> >> know. I'm using a fairly generic Logitech K120 USB keyboard and I
> >> don't have an xorg config file.
This particular keyboard was salvaged from an Acer of unk vintage, and
must have 120+ keys, its edge is surrounded by mutlimedia trigger keys
of all sorts. Great keyboard for around metal chip throwing machinery
as all the keys have straight sides, no mask but big gaps between keys,
so when it gets loaded up with metal shavings, a quick pass with a bare
hose sucks it pretty clean again. But with all those special keys
wrapped around the edge, there's no way you can pick it up and take it
with you with one hand without pressing a key you didn't know was active
until the machine takes off. And it has enough horsepower to do serious
damage to a person (or itself) who is in the way when it does a sudden
motion. Next fav keyboard is a logiteck k360, straight sided keys, but
the mask fits way too close so its hell to get clean when its dirty
enough to make a key stick. I could rip the mask off and take it to the
milling machine and make all the holes about 3/64" bigger on all sides
so a vacuum could suck out the shavings, which might make enough
clearance that some custom membrane covers wouldn't wedge a key down,
but that is one of those jobs I'd do ONLY to keep me out of the bars on
a boring Sunday. Rebuilding this 65 yo, quite abused machine means I
haven't had such a Sunday in months. But its coming along nicely in the
last couple weeks, just for grins I stuck a smallish stick of maple in
the chuck tonight, and dull cutting tool and all, made a couple Chess
pawns and a load of sawdust.
Thanks for the heads up that this may not have been the permanent fix.
I'll try running this setupcon from its own keyboard, and if that kills
the neighbors cat again, I'll have to get a bigger shovel and dig a
little deeper yet.
> > Neither do I Alan, but I did find and fix it. cd /etc;Grep -R pc105
> > * spit out that /etc/default/keyboard contained that string, and a
> > quick nano of that file disclosed that the next line was that
> > alt-intl option. It now has a # sign in front of it and things are
> > back to normal. Put it back on the list as I'm subscribed. So now
> > the archive s/b be searchable for the next guy this one bites.
Cheers Alan and thank you very much, Gene Heskett
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