debconf-video Jul 2005 by thread
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- Re: where are the notebooks ? Holger Levsen
- I have seen the auditoriums, and have some questions about sound... Herman Robak
- What works and what doesn't work of the video software in the video room. (Kino and Cinelerra) Herman Robak
- Re: 1-4 S-video extension cables needed for the video team. Holger Levsen
- closing the videoroom's door when leaving it as the last one... Henning Sprang
- Fwd: Wordslist for videoroom Holger Levsen
- notebooks status Holger Levsen
- toshiba tecra (#4) runs xorg now - dunno if accelerated driver though... Holger Levsen
- video team meeting, tomorrow at 17oo Holger Levsen
- some hints from the video team to the speakers Holger Levsen
- food, coffee, tapes and a 4th notebook Holger Levsen
- Hints to the video mixer and the front camera operator. Herman Robak
- One _working_ small to small plug firewire cable wanted, ASAP. Herman Robak
- Video Team Meeting Today 1800 at the dorms Henning Sprang
- Fwd: Re: audio mixers needed as well (Re: video volunteer list version 0.9 - we could use some help :) Holger Levsen
- To those having access to the videoraid server: Various debcamp nonsense (in HDV) has moved there. Herman Robak
- Fwd: video volunteer list version 1.1 - PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK!!! Henning Sprang
- Some things that don't look good with compressed video. Herman Robak
- Fwd: Quick howtos Holger Levsen
- summary of the network meeting today Holger Levsen
- ffmpeg command line for compressing DV to MPEG1 Herman Robak
- more hints from the video team to the speakers Holger Levsen
- Re: Javier, Martin, Andrew and Herman are first on duty on Tuesday, according to Henning's list. Javier Candeira
- Disk space is limited, damage control follows... Herman Robak
- video-archives online Holger Levsen
- Subdirectories and some nameing schemes on the videoraid server. Herman Robak
- If you work as audio or video mixer, make a note of the time if you lose sound, video or capture. Herman Robak
- Re: Piece of advice: Don't go to lunch in the lunch break, if you can avoid it. It'll be crowded! Holger Levsen
- uploading the videos Holger Levsen
- Cinelerra does not handle "raw" (.dv) files larger than 9 minutes, 56 seconds and 13 frames... Herman Robak
- Speed of videolan Erik Johansson
- The picture-in-picture in Andreas Tille's talk looked good in the final encoding :-) Herman Robak
- As of tomorrow, the captures in the big auditorium goes to a big USB disk, not to videoraid. Herman Robak
- I am moving the .dv originals of reviewed videos out of the way, to the subdir "reviewed". Herman Robak
- To the ones starting grabbing: Please don't start too early. Herman Robak
- Fwd: Slides for the presentations would help some videos make sense Holger Levsen
- Re: Did you have an USB drive to spare? A large one? Holger Levsen
- Postprosessing on everything! Herman Robak
- 2005-07-15 19:00-20:00 – Open Q & A Session: Debian project goals for 2005-2006 Noèl Köthe
- About telephonenumbers =for a not so goodtim) Erik Johansson
- Re: Network team / organizers meeting tomorrow 18:00 Holger Levsen
- debconf5 - videos of the talks and BOFs available Holger Levsen
Some of the things we learned about video recording and processing. Herman Robak
Re: BoF about asterisk and VoIP going to be held at Debconf Mark Purcell
Thanks, vid team! Todd Troxell
Missing vids arrived safely John Lightsey
Headphones found? Henning Sprang
Status of the videoraid / remaining videos Holger Levsen
Two video's renamed Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Extra video's available Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jumps in video file Ben Hutchings
Diffrent sizes of the same presentation Erik Johansson
Another 8 video's Jeroen van Wolffelaar
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