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Some of the things we learned about video recording and processing.

* Don't rely on remote storage of raw footage that will
need post-processing!  Copying DV files takes time!

* Don't use hacks like piping dvgrab through netcat,
unless you don't have any large local storage.

* Use 2.5 USB disks large enough for one day's worth
of recording, and plug them into the editing work-
stations (again, avoid copying).  Sneakernet can have
quite impressive bandwidth!

* Get LARGE disks for the editing workstations, and
store the archive there, if possible.

* If large disks for the workstations are not available,
use remote RAID for the _processed_ video (batch copying
_after_ the work is done; no waiting)

* Obscenenly high-res screens or dual displays are good
 for editing work!

* 3 GHz CPU and Gigs of RAM are good for editing!

* Each editor needs a good pair of headphones.

* The party crowd and the musicians must be chased out
 of the video room while the editors are working.

Herman Robak

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