debian-chinese-gb May 2005 by thread
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The best moments in your life happen suddenly... Dora
Debian 和 xp 共享 adsl 上网的问题 Huisi Wang
mlterm fonts size BingYU
Update your computer now. Roslyn
Is there any English-Chinese translation software for text passages? Zhang chnxp
Help; Nicholas Chan
non-commerical use的软件算哪类? Ling Li
Re: RFS:qterm Li Daobing
GPH中文版 Tang Hui
Send the love home with an online photo album Sanders
subversion的svn log速度太慢了 Falls Huang
Why gdm has to delay for a while after logout and before it is ready to type username and password again? Zhang chnxp
Re: request for the newest version of release notes Hero_xbd!
输入法的小问题 Hero_xbd!
Charactor Encoding Migrate Hero_xbd!
谁能讲讲chroot的实现原理,谢谢! Malin
关于release notes的问题 Clyde
Software by the original manufacturer&at generic prices& Walter
checking the whole translated sgml for errors Hero_xbd!
The last update was on 08:56 GMT Mon May 27. There are 297 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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