debian-backports Jul 2006 by thread
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PHP4/PHP5 and Owl DMS Jefferson Cowart
xfce4-goodies Keith Edmunds
ia64 subversion not built? Bob Proulx
backport of libxine-1.0.2 ? Andre Homberg
problems with grub in bpo? Lars Schimmer
nfs-common depends on sid Nick Leverton
Backport of qstat Konrad Barth
vim7 installation sets default editor to mcedit-debian Moritz Lenz
linux-kbuild-2.6.17 Matthias Popp
To restart push mirroring of backports Hideki Yamane
libqt4-dev bpo conflicts with sarge qt3-dev-tools Nick Leverton
Dealing with new python policy Wolf Wiegand
Backport of Geany Enrico Tröger
Issues with ekiga Guido Trotter
trashcan in Kde 3.4 backport Wolfgang Schnitker
lilo replaces GRUB when installing new kernel Daniel Stojanov
updated backport of runit Robert Edmonds in backports ? Xavier Oswald
Yada backport Martijn Grendelman
Backport of jed 0.99.18 Jörg Sommer
Re: default pin martin f krafft
python backports martin f krafft
Backport of mldonkey Wolf Wiegand
mysql-client-5.0 package severly broken, critical security implications Alexander W. Janssen
The last update was on 07:41 GMT Thu May 30. There are 142 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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