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Build-dependencies of backports, and searching the list archive is broken


I'm sure we already discussed this question, or at least parts of it,
but unfortunately searching does not work on
http://lists.backports.org/lurker/list/backports-users.html.  It
redirects to 


and then complains 

| Lurker - failed to render page:
| Bad request (20380101.000000.00000000%40ml:backports-users,policy.en.html):
| The given parameter was not of the correct format. A searc request
| must be formatted like:
| search/YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.hashcode@word,word,word.xml

So, not to the actual question: How can I best ensure that a package
gets as little dependencies on libraries on backports.org as possible,
when at the same time it build-depends on some packages that are not in
sarge, but on bpo?  For example, for tetex-bin I need libpoppler and
debhelper, but want to avoid dependencies on bpo's XOrg.  auctex needs
texinfo from bpo, nothing else.  And so on.

I'm using pbuilder, and I really do *not* want to log into a sarge
pbuilder chroot and install the needed packages from bpo manually before
building the package.

So what should I do?  One option would be to keep a couple of tar.gz
files for chroots that have just exactly the needed packages pinned to a
bpo version.  But this requires a lot of disk space, seems a little like
brute force, and is also error-prone because I can't always be sure that
pbuilder update will actually update the package from bpo, because the
update might require installing an additional backport.

An alternative would be versioned Build-Conflicts against the relevant
xorg packages, but that doesn't look nice, too.

Is there a better alternative?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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