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linux-2.6 on backports.org


Frank asked about the current linux-2.6 situation a coupld of days


Until today, this issue has not been resolved:

  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    linux-image-2.6-k7-smp: Depends: linux-image-2.6.16-2-k7-smp (= 2.6.16-13bpo1) but 2.6.16-14bpo1 is to be installed

I do *not* want to deinstall linux-image-2.6-k7-smp, but I currently
have to because the packages in the archive cannot provide the

I do not want to step on anyone's toes, so I won't try fix the
situation, but I'd be glad if Norbert of anyone else involved could
give us an update and an ETA of when it'll be fixed.


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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