debian-apache May 2004 by thread
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Recent minor vulnerabilities in Apache: status in woody? Kevin B. McCarty
"Refurbished" GSA Schedule #GS-35F-0751M now available for IBM, HP, Sun, SGI and CISCO Products Kent Brooks
Bug#242499: libapache-mod-perl: same here Ryan Underwood
Processed: ssl-cert needs love Debian Bug Tracking System
Find A Way To My Heart Sheila Hall
Processed: pending Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bunch of updates Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#229011: Can't reproduce Thom May
Apache - SSI - problem Flo
Bug#251800: [PATCH] apr_table_overlap doesn't work as advertised Dwayne C. Litzenberger
New hosting package,cominform Warren Peacock
Уникальное предложение Слесарева
Bug#245487: confirmed, netstat in chroot broken Tollef Fog Heen
Bug#157299: bug #157299 Ian Holsman
The last update was on 03:06 GMT Sat Jun 22. There are 247 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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