debian-qt-kde Jun 2010 by subject
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[bts-link] source package akonadi-googledata
[bts-link] source package kde4libs
[bts-link] source package kdebase
[bts-link] source package kdebase-workspace
[bts-link] source package kdegames
[bts-link] source package kdenetwork
[bts-link] source package kdepim
[bts-link] source package kdeplasma-addons
[bts-link] source package meta-kde
[bts-link] source package oxygen-icons
Re: [Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#585081: digikam 1.3.0 build issues.
Re: Accepted kdeplasma-addons 4:4.4.4-1 (source all amd64)
akonadi-googledata_1.1.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Bug#397136: marked as done (kexi: hangs when testing connection to potsgres)
Bug#435760: marked as done (kcheckgmail request a Google certificate everyday.)
Bug#438147: marked as done (kaddressbook : important fields missing when using the "Detailled Style" for printing)
Bug#474973: marked as done (artsdsp does not handle args with spaces properly (fix included))
Bug#475579: marked as done (klipper: CTRL-C clipboard buffer emptys on application closure)
Bug#493504: marked as done (qt3-designer needs better short description)
Bug#523740: marked as done (kdebase-runtime: nepomukservicestub crash at startup)
Bug#532312: konsole: I see this too.
Bug#533071: marked as done (ark: previewer doesn't differenciate a/test.png and b/test.png)
Bug#533238: marked as done (kdebase-runtime: nepomukservices crashes on startup)
Bug#536441: marked as done (systemsettings: Normal user can't acess KDM configuration)
Bug#539488: marked as done ([dolphin] Dolphin freeze when try to preview some huge folder element (pdf))
Bug#547973: marked as done ([kdebase-workspace-bin] Plasma crash every half hour)
Bug#553478: marked as done (knode: group order confusing after adding new groups)
Bug#554831: introduce virtual facility x-display-manager for dependency based boot system
Bug#555747: Same problem as root
Bug#564941: plasma-widgets-workspace: taskbar/panel show black background
Bug#569239: marked as done (libqt3-mt-dev: please depend on libjpeg-dev, not libjpeg62-dev)
Bug#569284: kmix: Fail to work on LTSP thin clients using PulseAudio
Bug#569284: marked as done (kmix: Fail to work on LTSP thin clients (provides ALSA->PulseAudio, PuseAudio and ESD))
Bug#572759: marked as done (Typo in package description: "usesr")
Bug#575542: marked as done (klipper doesn't save text sometimes)
Bug#575746: marked as done (systemsettings doesn't allow to change KDM settings)
Bug#579424: FTBFS [hppa]: Assertion `y.isApprox(m*x)' failed.
Bug#580114: marked as done ([plasma-scriptengine-python] "This package provides Python script engine for Plasma." in extended description)
Bug#580269: closed by Olivier Vitrat <> (Closing this bug report)
Bug#580269: marked as done ( no changing possible and no admin mode)
Bug#580343: marked as done ([kopete] OTR sends xhtml encoded xmpp messages without otr session)
Bug#580536: marked as done (plasma-widgets-workspace: The batterie applet needs hal)
Bug#580642: marked as done (python-kde4: /usr/share/pyshared/PyQt4/uic/ is not /usr/bin)
Bug#580749: [solved]
Bug#580749: Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection
Bug#581349: Closing this bug report
Bug#581349: marked as done ([kate] Copy+Close removes copied text from clipboard)
Bug#581404: marked as done ([libplasma2.0-cil] typo "LDE" in short description)
Bug#581409: marked as done (plasma-widgets-addons: Picture frame ignores directory symlinks in recursive mode)
Bug#581947: marked as done (kdenetwork-filesharing: perl-suid is going away with Perl 5.12)
Bug#582268: marked as done (kmail: Doesnt send emails)
Bug#582433: marked as done (kdelibs-bin: Error in package description)
Bug#582568: kdm: causes kaboom to show upgrade dialog on first root login
Bug#582606: marked as done (BIC changes in public attica/platformdependent.h)
Bug#582716: Fixed upstream
Bug#582716: marked as done (phonon-backend-xine: Pulseaudio, no sound)
Bug#582716: Vincent's solution works for me
Bug#582803: marked as done (ksysguardd depends on libsensors3: newer sensors not visible/available)
Bug#582844: Fwd: Re: Bug#582844: unusable KNetAttach launcher
Bug#582844: Fwd: Re: kdebase-runtime: Installs desktop entry for knetattach, which is not installed
Bug#582844: kdebase-runtime: Installs desktop entry for knetattach, which is not installed
Bug#582844: split
Bug#582844: unusable KNetAttach launcher
Bug#582953: kmail deleted all non-local incoming mail settings on upgrade
Bug#583019: marked as done (kdebase-runtime: FTBFS: ../../../attica/kdeplugin/kdeplatformdependent.cpp:225: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'Attica::KdePlatformDependent')
Bug#583232: closing bug #583232
Bug#583232: marked as done (konsole: Konsole copies tab characters as spaces)
Bug#583566: Akonadi does not get started on first start of KMail / Kontact
Bug#583634: marked as done (evince: Insecure ghostscript invocation)
Bug#583951: marked as done (My WLM account suddenly disappeared)
Bug#583951: Same issue
Bug#583951: workaround
Bug#584016: kghostview: Security bugs in ghostscript
Bug#584052: kdelibs4c2a: Security bugs in ghostscript
Bug#584150: [kdepim] Years (birthday, anniversary) are shown wrong in kdepim-apps
Bug#584150: marked as done ([kdepim] Years (birthday, anniversary) are shown wrong in kdepim-apps)
Bug#584157: [korganizer] Reminder doesn't remind anything
Bug#584160: gwenview: bottom line of images does not have image names anymore
Bug#584160: marked as done (gwenview: bottom line of images does not have image names anymore)
Bug#584168: [qtcreator] Displays a warning if qt api doc version is not matching used qt version.
Bug#584236: [plasma-scriptengine-qedje] "This package provides QEdje script engine for Plasma." in extended description
Bug#584357: marked as done (qt-x11-free: FTBFS: Nonexistent build-dependency: firebird2.0-dev)
Bug#584357: qt-x11-free: FTBFS: Nonexistent build-dependency: firebird2.0-dev
Bug#584375: marked as done (pkg-kde-tools: FTBFS: tests failed)
Bug#584375: pkg-kde-tools: FTBFS: tests failed
Bug#584434: kdm should not start before kerberos KDC is ready to provide ticket
Bug#584434: suggested solution if problem persists
Bug#584577: kde-plasma-desktop: Panel resizes unexpectedly
Bug#584602: [ksudoku] The ksudoku is easy to solve in spite of the most difficult request
Bug#584614: Blogilo: missing dependency on libqt4-sql-sqlite
Bug#584633: kde-l10n-sr: duplicate which is also in ktorrent-data
Bug#584633: marked as done (kde-l10n-sr: duplicate which is also in ktorrent-data)
Bug#584651: libkde4-ruby1.8 missing dependency on libqt4-ruby1.8
Bug#584651: marked as done (libkde4-ruby1.8 missing dependency on libqt4-ruby1.8)
Bug#584668: kde-plasma-desktop: CD/DVD fails to automount
Bug#584668: Resolved
Bug#584676: kmail losing open compositions (autosave directory)
Bug#584725: Konsole on Sparc keeps crashing with "Bus Errors"
Bug#584739: kontact: Kaddressbook component does not manage to connect with akonadi
Bug#584740: libkexiv2-8: Please build with libexiv2 v0.20
Bug#584740: marked as done (libkexiv2-8: Please build with libexiv2 v0.20)
Bug#584861: kdebase-workspace-data: File conflict with ksplash (/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x1128/apps/ksplash.png)
Bug#584870: kdm: flag indicating keyboard layout not present anymore in 4.4.3-1
Bug#584870: marked as done (kdecore/util/kpluginloader.cpp:findLibraryInternal() does not find moved libkdeinit4_*s)
Bug#584905: plasma-netbook not auto-starting on a fresh install
Bug#584931: dolphin: additional window after start
Bug#585007: kopete: Jabber (XMPP) protocol disconnects repeatedly. Upstream #198789
Bug#585043: Cannot type password when run from .kde/env during KDE startup
Bug#585049: kde-full: no sound recorder app
Bug#585097: change update-notifier-kde from depends to recommends
Bug#585097: kde-standard: change update-notifier-kde from depends to recommends
Bug#585097: marked as done (kde-standard: change update-notifier-kde from depends to recommends)
Bug#585136: kdebase-runtime: drkonqi reports bugs upstream, not following the Debian BTS policy
Bug#585136: marked as done (kdebase-runtime: drkonqi reports bugs upstream, not following the Debian BTS policy)
Bug#585143: accounts and contacts disappear after update to 4:4.4.4-1
Bug#585174: [kdebase-workspace] FTBFS with python-2.6
Bug#585174: Patch
Bug#585406: klipper applet not available
Bug#585406: klipper applet not available; klipperrc; AutoStart=false
Bug#585429: [libkdcraw8] typo "others" in extended description
Bug#585532: fixed
Bug#585532: kde-full: Changing of file associations is infinite
Bug#585532: marked as done (kde-full: Changing of file associations is infinite)
Bug#585622: katepart automatically delete highlighted text
Bug#585646: konqueror: does not display html
Bug#585686: [libsmokektexteditor3] wrong extended description
Bug#585686: marked as done ([libsmokektexteditor3] wrong extended description)
Bug#585716: kdebase-workspace-bin: File conflict with ksplash (/usr/bin/ksplashsimple)
Bug#585717: Mistake in Solid action predicate for kamera
Bug#585751: [Solved]
Bug#585751: download libkdecore5?
Bug#585751: Fix
Bug#585751: KDE is broked on Testing/Squeeze
Bug#585751: kde-plasma-desktop: KDE desktop is completely screwed up after last upgrade
Bug#585751: marked as done (KDE is broken in testing, do not upgrade!)
Bug#585751: Recovery
Bug#585751: same thing
Bug#585751: Same thing
Bug#585751: The same here, kwin refuses to startup
Bug#585751: Too paranoid version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243
Bug#585751: Workaround
Bug#585752: kdebase: KDE totally broke on upgrade
Bug#585752: marked as done (KDE is broken in testing, do not upgrade!)
Bug#585752: No problems.
Bug#585753: marked as done (phonon: No sound; only PulseAudio Dummy Output available)
Bug#585753: phonon: No sound; only PulseAudio Dummy Output available
Bug#585763: dolphin does not save setting
Bug#585765: marked as done (unable to start KDE's systemsettings after upgrade)
Bug#585765: unable to start KDE's systemsettings after upgrade
Bug#585792: Bug#585751: Too paranoid version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243
Bug#585792: marked as done (Too paranoid plugin version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243)
Bug#585824: Acknowledgement (KDE no longer works)
Bug#585824: KDE no longer works
Bug#585824: marked as done (KDE no longer works)
Bug#585841: kmix seems to not see my soundcard anymore
Bug#585869: [kde] group problem
Bug#585919: kdebase-runtime: nepomuk does not follow the excluded directories settings
Bug#585981: kdm: postinst fails with squeeze D-I
Bug#586024: kde-plasma-desktop fails to honor "user" flag for mount.cifs
Bug#586049: systemsettings crash when clicking "desktop settings"
Bug#586080: Bug#586112: plasma-desktop: Fails to automount USB cardreader
Bug#586080: plasma-desktop: CD/DVD fails to automount
Bug#586112: plasma-desktop: Fails to automount USB cardreader
Bug#586166: libqt4-dev: moc autoinclude fix ignore dot in directories
Bug#586175: Another crash programme
Bug#586175: Backtrace
Bug#586175: Bug can be closed
Bug#586175: qt: crash of debug application
Bug#586175: Test of direfferent version of Qt
Bug#586283: kde-full: shutdown button from main menu doesnt work .
Bug#586290: gwenview: Gwenview refuses to open directories
Bug#586296: [gwenview] Exporting to Flash fails
Bug#586397: okular: Ocular fails to print to selected printer
Bug#586436: browse, could gwenview go to the folder, by clicking on left on folders instead of double click
Bug#586440: [libsmokekfile3] wrong extended description
Bug#586487: gwenview shall have a ACDSEE like mode : "3 Panels" mode would be so great !
Bug#586512: kdelibs5-dev: Breaks installation of KDE apps into custom prefixes
Bug#586512: marked as done (kdelibs5-dev: Breaks installation of KDE apps into custom prefixes)
Bug#586528: akonadi-kde-resource-googledata: Data loss while updating kde contacts
Bug#586540: kdm on initial start at kfreebsd bootup does not allow keyboard input
Bug#586661: plasma-widget-folderview: incomplete displayed characters in folder view widget's title
Bug#586661: plasma-widget-folderview: incomplete displayed characters in folder view, widget's title
Bug#586672: [libqt4-ruby1.8] smoke marshallisation broken
Bug#586809: okular: Paging differences: scrollbar - keyboard
Bug#586878: plasma-widget-folderview: Wont refresh-reload automatically
Bug#586946: marked as done (Please make a default threshold size for preview a little bigger.)
Bug#586946: Preview of jpg files is broken in a strange way
Bug#586982: kde-standard: Default KDE app selection does not include a package manager GUI
Bug#587045: plasma-widgets-workspace: quicklaunch applet: no way to edit settings
Bug#587094: [konqueror] Java won't run by default
Bug#587252: dolphin starts in 40s on Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T6670 after suspend or hibernation
Bug#587323: kgpg: Key server communication disabled
Bug#587394: plasma-widgets-addons: fileWatcher is very slow with medium sized files
Bug#587495: ark does not support utf-8 filenames and directory names?
Bug#587502: kdevelop: Regression. Too many resources is used while doing background jobs.
Bug#587527: make kgpg not dependent on mysql-server-core-5.1
Bug#587546: new upstream release
Bug#587594: [ksirk] Wrong agreement "Each country contain" in extended description
Re: digikam 1.3.0 build issues.
eigen2_2.0.14-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Re: FTBFS [hppa]: Assertion `y.isApprox(m*x)' failed.
Incomplete upload found in Debian upload queue
KDE 4 HTML docs are now installed to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML
KDE 4 HTML docs are now installed to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML, your packages may FTBFS
KDE 4 HTML is now installed to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML
kde-l10n override disparity
kde-l10n_4.4.4-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kde-l10n_4.4.4-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kde4libs_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kde4libs_4.4.4-2_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kde4libs_4.4.4-2_source+amd64.changes REJECTED
kdeaccessibility_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdeadmin_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdeartwork_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdebase-runtime: Installs desktop entry for knetattach, which is not installed
kdebase-runtime_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdebase-workspace override disparity
kdebase-workspace_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdebase_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdebindings override disparity
kdebindings_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdebindings_4.4.4-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdeedu override disparity
kdeedu_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdegames override disparity
kdegames_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdegraphics_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdemultimedia_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdenetwork_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdepim-runtime_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdepim_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdepimlibs_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdeplasma-addons_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdesdk_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdetoys_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdeutils_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
kdewebdev_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Les Catégories et sous catégories de kaddressbook
libdbusmenu-qt_0.3.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Re: library tranistion proposal exiv2(0.20): libexiv2-6 -> libexiv2-9
libspectre_0.2.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
meta-kde_62_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
meta-kde_63_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
oxygen-icons_4.4.4-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
phonon-backend-vlc_0.0.1~git1+1b1ce593-1_amd64.changes is NEW
phonon_4.6.0really4.4.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
pkg-kde-tools_0.9.0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
pkg-kde-tools_0.9.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
pkg-kde-tools_0.9.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Processed (with 1 errors): archiving 567151
Processed (with 3 errors): Re: Too paranoid version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243
Processed (with 4 errors): Too paranoid version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243
Processed: [bts-link] source package kdebase
Processed: [bts-link] source package kdebase-workspace
Processed: [bts-link] source package kdegames
Processed: [bts-link] source package kdepim
Processed: [bts-link] source package kdeplasma-addons
Processed: [bts-link] source package meta-kde
Processed: [bts-link] source package oxygen-icons
Processed: bug 582568 is forwarded to
Processed: bug 583232 is forwarded to
Processed: bug 583566 is forwarded to
Processed: bug 586528 is forwarded to
Processed: Can't reproduce it on clean Squeeze
Processed: closing 573421
Processed: closing 586175
Processed: fixed 524810 in 4:4.4.4-1
Processed: fixed 570004 in 4:4.4.3-1
Processed: found 585646 in 4:4.3.4-1
Processed: found 586831 in 4:4.6.2-1
Processed: inappropriate mass bug filing
Processed: limit source to kde4libs, tagging 584870
Processed: limit source to kdebase-workspace, tagging 584861
Processed: limit source to kdebase-workspace, tagging 584905, tagging 585174
Processed: Patch
Processed: Re: Bug#554831: introduce virtual facility x-display-manager for dependency based boot system
Processed: Re: Bug#579424: FTBFS [hppa]: Assertion `y.isApprox(m*x)' failed.
Processed: Re: Bug#582953: kmail deleted all non-local incoming mail settings on upgrade
Processed: Re: Bug#584633: kde-l10n-sr: duplicate which is also in ktorrent-data
Processed: Re: Bug#584870: kdm: flag indicating keyboard layout not present anymore in 4.4.3-1
Processed: Re: Bug#585136: kdebase-runtime: drkonqi reports bugs upstream, not following the Debian BTS policy
Processed: Re: Bug#585646: konqueror: does not display html
Processed: Re: Bug#585751: Too paranoid version check in kpluginloader.cpp:243
Processed: Re: Bug#585751: Workaround
Processed: Re: Bug#585765: unable to start KDE's systemsettings after upgrade
Processed: Re: Bug#585919: kdebase-runtime: nepomuk does not follow the excluded directories settings
Processed: Re: Bug#586112: plasma-desktop: Fails to automount USB cardreader
Processed: Re: Bug#586512: kdelibs5-dev: Breaks installation of KDE apps into custom prefixes
Processed: Re: Bug#586946: Preview of jpg files is broken in a strange way
Processed: Re: Bug#587057: knetattach: Could not launch 'KNetAttach'
Processed: Re: closing bug #583232
Processed: Re: Closing this bug report
Processed: Re: kdebase-runtime: Installs desktop entry for knetattach, which is not installed
Processed: Re: Processed: Re: Bug#586794: Can't mount CD successfully
Processed: reassign 583904 to libdbus-1-3, retitle 583904 to libdbus not threadsafe, although it claims to be so ...
Processed: reassign 584870 to libkdecore ..., severity of 584870 is important
Processed: reassign 584870 to libkdecore5
Processed: reassign 585824 to libkdecore5,kde-plasma-desktop,kdebase-workspace-bin,plasma-desktop,systemsettings ...
Processed: reassign 586030 konsole
Processed: reassign 587057 to kdebase-runtime, forcibly merging 582844 587057
Processed: severity of 539096 is serious, severity of 567942 is serious, severity of 570572 is serious ...
Processed: severity of 586672 is serious, tagging 586672
Processed: split
Processed: tagging 350497
Processed: tagging 584357
Processed: tagging 584651
Processed: tagging 585097
Processed: tagging 585429
Processed: tagging 586661
Processed: tags 584434 - squeeze
Processed: your mail
Processing of akonadi-googledata_1.1.0-1_amd64.changes
Processing of eigen2_2.0.14-1_amd64.changes
Processing of kde-l10n_4.4.4-1_amd64.changes
Processing of kde-l10n_4.4.4-2_amd64.changes
Processing of kde4libs_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kde4libs_4.4.4-2_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdeaccessibility_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdeadmin_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdeartwork_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdebase-runtime_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdebase-workspace_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdebase_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdebindings_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdebindings_4.4.4-2_amd64.changes
Processing of kdeedu_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdegames_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdegraphics_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdemultimedia_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdenetwork_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdepim-runtime_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdepim_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdepimlibs_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdeplasma-addons_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdesdk_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdetoys_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdeutils_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of kdewebdev_4.4.4-1_source+amd64.changes
Processing of libdbusmenu-qt_0.3.3-1_amd64.changes
Processing of libspectre_0.2.6-1_amd64.changes
Processing of meta-kde_62_amd64.changes
Processing of meta-kde_63_amd64.changes
Processing of oxygen-icons_4.4.4-1_amd64.changes
Processing of phonon-backend-vlc_0.0.1~git1+1b1ce593-1_amd64.changes
Processing of phonon_4.6.0really4.4.2-1_amd64.changes
Processing of pkg-kde-tools_0.9.0_amd64.changes
Processing of pkg-kde-tools_0.9.1_amd64.changes
Processing of pkg-kde-tools_0.9.2_amd64.changes
Processing of qt-assistant-compat_4.6.3-1_amd64.changes
Processing of qt-x11-free_3.3.8b-7_amd64.changes
Processing of qt4-x11_4.6.3-1_amd64.changes
Processing of qt4-x11_4.6.3-1_mipsel.changes
Processing of qtmobility_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes
Processing of shared-desktop-ontologies_0.5-1_amd64.changes
qt-assistant-compat_4.6.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW
qt-x11-free override disparity
qt-x11-free_3.3.8b-7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
qt4-x11_4.6.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
qt4-x11_4.6.3-1_mipsel.changes ACCEPTED
qtmobility_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes is NEW
shared-desktop-ontologies_0.5-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Thanks for Basket 1.80-1
The last update was on 06:43 GMT Thu May 02. There are 487 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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