debian-68k Mar 1999 by subject

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Amiga HArd Disk on intel linux platform CD images for release CD-ROM question CDs: where are we up to? Re: Ethernet trouble on Mac IIvi Find Out What The Future Holds For You? gcc_2.7.2.3-4.8.deb - gcc_2.7.2.3-7.deb - >missing cpp Greetings, and question Help needed rebuilding procmail for stable! HP Deskwriter C Is video support planned form Powerbooks? It booted! Keyboard timeout while booting a Powerbook 145B linux-68k mac 68k progress Re: Mac CD stuff Mac Install Problems with Slink Missing things for m68k More ethernet card woes... More on the Quadra... on board ethernet (Sonic) on Quad's Problems with booting on a Centris 650 Processing of lha_1.14d-1_m68k.changes (fwd) Processing of xpacman_0.11-6_m68k.changes (fwd) Progress on m68k images Re: Releasing Slink Releasing Slink (was Re: Please add new version of Release-Notes) Riebl Ethernet boards for Atari MSTE/TT available slink apt dselect probs slink CDs slink network problem slink_cd 1.11 RE: slink_cd-1.09 -- boot-m68k-- line 58 -- close quote needed. A small question Solution: Amiboot not executable from CD Sonic ethernet and Color X on Q650 Still Problems with installing my Centris 650 Support of ISDN-Master card Who made a m68k upload of BigBrother? XF86Config? The last update was on 12:53 GMT Fri May 24. There are 117 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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