debian-women Jun 2006 by thread
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Re: (Debian's Two Choices) The influx of women and the outflux of men. The end of debian as a distro and it's emergance as a women's rights pulpit. ntdw ntdw
Re: (Debian's Two Choices) The influx of women and the outflux of men. The end of debian as a distro and it's emergance as a women's rights pulpit. Debian women terminate
Re: (Debian's Two Choices) The influx of women and the outflux of men. The end of debian as a distro and it's emergance as a women's rights pulpit. Debian women terminate
Do not feed the troll Amaya
"Men leaving Debian" - numbers? Lynoure Braakman
You rock Enrico Zini
proposed addition to debian-women list filtering, please comment Steve Langasek Erinn Clark
New female DD Margarita Manterola
GNOME to Sponsor Female Developers in a Summer Outreach Program Hanna M. Wallach
Is insulting me on irc something you are proud of ? Sven Luther
Back to the group Fernanda G Weiden
can you add me to the list? Helga Thorsteinsdottir
The last update was on 16:28 GMT Wed May 01. There are 103 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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