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Re: proposed addition to debian-women list filtering, please comment

On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 10:08:52AM +0200, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> * Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> [2006-06-13 00:31]:

> I strongly disagree with censoring Mails coming from hosts that _also_
> host tor nodes. The host several DDs including me use
> (asteria.debian.or.at) is a tor (tough not exit) node hosting also a
> mixmaster anonymous remailer.

> I feel offended and hurt that you want to censor me because I use a host
> where we provide a imo useful service for others (there are many valid
> reasons to use tor and mixmaster).

I don't want to censor anyone; I want to protect the mailing list from
abuse.  I feel offended that people who *aren't* trolls are referring to
this as "censorship" at all when the goal is clearly to prevent disruptive
behavior, *not* to suppress information or viewpoints.

In any case, the fact that the machine in question is not a tor exit node
should mean there is no reason to filter on that machine's IP, correct?  And
the filter could be further refined to stop only mails that both include
that IP and a sender address belonging to a webmail service, for instance?

> Trolls like the ones posting to the lists should be treated like spam:
> ignored and best filtered by bogofilter and/or spamassassin et al.

Yeah, great theory, except trolls *aren't* treated like spam: nobody bats an
eye when the 2000th spam of the day makes it through their filters, and
nobody takes their suggestions to make pills fast with penny incest stocks
seriously, but when a troll shows up, people mistake it for a message of
value, engage it, and lose valuable time to it -- and this pattern repeats
itself as long as there are trolls and new people to fall for those trolls.
Heck, we have long-standing *developers*, with no excuse for not knowing
better, who think it's a *good idea* to try to respond to trolls on mailing
lists!  So how do you minimize the damage done by trolls on a mailing list
which is expected to by design be a gateway into the Debian community, where
there will always be an influx of newbies getting drawn in -- or driven away
-- by trolls of this nature?

It has been suggested that some central bayesian troll-filtering would be
beneficial here, and I agree it's worth trying; but AFAIK pure bayesian
filtering still is not as effective as bayesian+blacklists, so I think a
rational discussion of appropriate IP blacklisting is still in order.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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