debian-russian Jul 2001 by thread
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Re: upgrade up to 2.4.* kernel Pavel Epifanov
Perl script. CuPoTKa
rgbi Alexey Zagarin
чем читать русские RTF в Debian/unstable? Max Kosmach
net Alexei V. Sukhanoff
Mozilla 0.9.2 & Java CuPoTKa
[ serge 07/17/01:10.02 system check] Serge Matveev
dosemu Artyom Zolochewski
help me plz Gleb Galkin
Yamaha OPL3-SAx troubles Anton Lavrik
unstable install. problem Konstantin V. Sorokin
v dogonku Konstantin V. Sorokin
unstable Konstantin V. Sorokin
/me in St. Petersburg Peter Novodvorsky
ghostscript +русский Artyom Zolochewski
kernel hang. how to discover Pavel Orehov
[no subject] olg
smb win printer Nick Mamashin
UUCP, rbmail Alexey
=?unknown?b?y8/N0MnM0cPJ0SDRxNLB?= Gleb Galkin
шрифты в icewm Igor Goldenberg
Не ставится vchkpw :( Vitaly A. Sergienko
три вопроса olg
Code Red Dmitry Glushenok
some questions Konstantin V. Sorokin
звук через сеть Alexey Zagarin
encodings.dir Alexey Zagarin
xserver-rage128 Konstantin V. Sorokin
Print filters - apsfilter, magicfilter, printfiltes-ppd - что функциональнее? Dmitry Astapov
Нужен совет Stas Vronsky
Re: компиляция ядра CuPoTKa
firewall Konstantin Sorokin
nfs mount circle Konstantin Sorokin
Apache 1.3.20 + php from potato = SIGSEGV Dmitry L. Evdokimov
Broken libraries? Nikolai Prokoschenko
Торможение INN Ingvarr Zhmakin
sshd CuPoTKa
quake2 =?unknown?b?1yDLz87Tz8zJ?= (unstable) Gleb Galkin
Xfree in unstable Konstantin V. Sorokin
bind & chroot Alexei V. Sukhanoff
Преступное отношение ifgate к кодировкам. Ingvarr Zhmakin
Присоветуйте читалку-писалку писем-ньюсов Ingvarr Zhmakin
Tulebay tulebay
Re: ПАША -> ПОМОГИ !!!! (fwd) Paul Romanchenko
Re: Присоветуйте читалку-писалку писем-ньюсов Alexey Vyskubov
help!!! Евгений Юркин
XDMCP Alexander Kotelnikov
Questions about XEmacs Ingvarr Zhmakin
mutt questions Ingvarr Zhmakin
i810 Sergey Chumakov
Вопрос не в тему .... news-gw
OKI OL600ex printer Dmitry Melamud
Проблема CuPoTKa
ifnews crimes Ingvarr Zhmakin
Charset autodetecting program Ingvarr Zhmakin
Unidentified subject! Gennady
Synaptic? Nikolai Prokoschenko
testing/sawfish-gnome Michael Bravo
micq Andrei Stankevich
window manager Konstantin Sorokin
113 port on gate Stas Vronsky
Still are problems with locale.alias (some locales do not have aliases and some languages have incorrect aliases) Mantas Kriauciunas
who works with Advantech 4823L + Debian linux ? Pavel Orehov
2 =?unknown?b?18/Q0s/TwSDQ0s8=?= quake2 Gleb Galkin
Debian on CD in St. Petersburg Ingvarr Zhmakin
Re: Ответ: who works with Advantech 4823L + Debian linux ? Pavel Orehov
return path & envelope from Alexey Zagarin
pine 4.33 Oles' Stovbenko
mc -> syntax files ... DEVI[Low]
perl и сеть "Москалёв Дмитрий Викторович"
Russian in eterm CuPoTKa
sendmail и DNS Dmitry Melamud
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