debian-powerpc May 2011 by thread
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Re: Fan won't work - system locking up as a result Elimar Riesebieter
Plymouth alternative for PowerPC? Alexander Lardner
powersave=off as a default option
fresh install of squeeze cannot compile alsa m laks
Problems with Asus USB-N13 Wifi adapter bunk3m
Nouveau driver issue in squeeze Matty Sarro
Re: ports/powerpc/index.wml: squeeze release is not mentioned Holger Wansing
kernel stops recognizing uuid labels after update Gunther Furtado
MVME5500 board with Squeeze David Fernandes
OS X unbootable after Squeeze/Sid installation on Powerbook5,6 Piotr Kopszak
The last update was on 12:16 GMT Tue May 07. There are 96 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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