debian-boot Apr 2010 by thread
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Mismatch between d-i's kernel and kernel in local mirror vikram
Processing of os-prober_1.37_i386.changes Archive Administrator
os-prober_1.37_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#574407: marked as done (os-prober does not detect 64bit systems like Fedora 64) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#577694: installation-reports: Testing Netinst on a Dell Latitude D610 Beatrice Torracca
[D-I Manual] Build log for en (13 Apr 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
automated install stop at a customize user interface kin boster
Bug#577744: apt can't find partman jidanni
Processed: submitter 252771, submitter 268152, submitter 312829, submitter 418048, submitter 436960 ... Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#577744: closed by Frans Pop <> (Re: Bug#577744: apt can't find partman) jidanni
Processing of partitioner_0.46_mips.changes Archive Administrator
partitioner_0.46_mips.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Processed: submitter 247294 Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: Bug#571045: syslinux: Incorrect display of boot screen image in D-I Frans Pop
Bug#577840: (no subject) Diana Allen
Processed: Re: Bug#577840: (no subject) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#570486: Configuration /var with noexec option breaks base system installation Otavio Salvador
Bug#571074: wlan0: link is not ready Otavio Salvador
Processing of discover_2.1.2-4_i386.changes Archive Administrator
discover_2.1.2-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#447755: Support for CMS formatted disks in parted Stephen Powell
Processing of os-prober_1.38_i386.changes Archive Administrator
os-prober_1.38_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#442225: Reporting false-positive to Anti-virus vendor Frank Lin PIAT
Bug#447755: wishlist bug for parted enhancement opened - 578097 Stephen Powell
Bug#578174: Problems installing via network install Don Carman
No daily image builds since March 22nd Jurij Smakov
D-I Manual: error with multiple arch= arguments Holger Wansing
Bug#578197: [INTL:ga] Update to tasksel_tasks_po_ga.po Kevin Scannell
[D-I Manual] Build log for en (17 Apr 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Processed: limit source to tasksel, tagging 575651, tagging 564021, tagging 575650, tagging 564033 ... Debian Bug Tracking System
[D-I] Localization status for Debian Installer Christian PERRIER
Bug#578283: [INTL:ta] debconf PO translations for the package tasksel_tasks_po Tirumurti Vasudevan
Installer wish Heiko Ernst
Bug#578315: Installation Report Markus Doppler
[D-I Manual] Build log for en (18 Apr 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Bug#578338: debian-installer: grub-install fails to md0 Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
Release a beta/prerelease version? Christian PERRIER
Extra recommended packages installed in Squeeze systems Frank Lin PIAT
Bug#578501: [INTL:ta] debconf PO translations for the package win32-loader Tirumurti Vasudevan
Re: win32-loader: FTBFS: plugins/cpuid/plugin.c:18:21: error: windows.h: No such file or directory Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Processed: tagging 569389 Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: r62959 - in trunk/packages/partman/partman-base: . debian init.d Christian PERRIER
Bug#578338: hardware log Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
Failed to install GRUB on Adaptec controller Cristian
Re: installing gNewsomething instead of Debian Joachim Breitner
Bug#578567: description links to Joachim Breitner
Bug#578593: ethernet card assumed jidanni
Launching a Debian Xen Guest using a nfs://.../preseed.cfg fails -- Does required nfs:// support exist? Ben DJ
Processed: tagging 566567 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 568370 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 578501 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 568978 Debian Bug Tracking System
Graphics glitches during installation and partman Eugen Dedu
Bug#464233: #464233 : Misunderstanding Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Problem preseeding disk selection in hd-media unattended installation. Jon Ander Ortiz
workaround(?) for #578338: grub2 won't install Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
Processing of win32-loader_0.6.14_i386.changes Archive Administrator
win32-loader_0.6.14_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#464233: marked as done (complains "cannot find win32-loader.ini" and quit) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#566567: marked as done ([I18N, DE] Updated german program translation for win32-loader) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#568370: marked as done ([INTL:sk] Slovak translation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#569389: marked as done (win32-loader: FTBFS: plugins/cpuid/plugin.c:18:21: error: windows.h: No such file or directory) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#568978: marked as done (win-loader: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese program translation update) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#578927: debian-installer: No kernel driver for powerpc mac mini ethernet (Sun GEM) Roger Leigh
Bug#579088: installation-reports: confusing to set up encrypted volumes in manual selection Julian Gilbey
Bug#579155: tasksel: installs *two* entire office suites Fabian Greffrath
Bug#579167: tasksel: is it really necessary to install gnome-accessibility on each and every system? Fabian Greffrath
Can't burn the DVD1 I downloaded barak gan-or
Processed: reassign to correct package Debian Bug Tracking System
squeeze installer: no keyboard after first kernel boot Florian Weimer
Processing of partman-base_141_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Processing of partman-crypto_43_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Processing of partman-md_51_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Processing of partman-lvm_70_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Processing of debian-installer-utils_1.74_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-installer-utils_1.74_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
partman-base_141_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
partman-crypto_43_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
partman-lvm_70_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
partman-md_51_i386.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#579363: partman-lvm: don't allocate all space in guided LVM configuration Yves-Alexis Perez
d-i squeeze install leads to empty shadow because of samba Martin Michlmayr
Bug#579519: grub-installer - Overwrites bootloaders on different device Bastian Blank
Bug#579576: installer bug -- debian-504-i386-netinst.iso Russell L. Harris
Bug#579625: partman-base: partman/alignment should also be a regular question Frans Pop
partman-auto troubles M. van Brummelen
Error while building cdebconf on lenny vikram
Bug#579645: base-installer: Should be usable to install base system somewhere else than /target Raphael Hertzog
D-I Manual - String freeze / Call to update translations (deadline: May 17) Frans Pop
Bug#579742: kfreebsd Tuco
Processing of win32-loader_0.6.15_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
win32-loader_0.6.15_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#476777: marked as done (win32-loader: doesn't restore the original timeout value from boot.ini on uninstall) Debian Bug Tracking System
The last update was on 18:02 GMT Wed May 01. There are 290 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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