debian-68k Oct 2008 by thread
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Re: [patch 3/2] m68k: Atari EtherNAT - add writew_be for data push Frank P. Szymanski
Changes for m68k port Helge Kreutzmann
fastjar 2:0.95-4 needs to be uploaded from thing2 buildd machine. required for successful OpenJDK 6 build. Xerxes Rånby
Re: [buildd] Configuring buildds for dports Michael Schmitz
Re: Re: No telnet into SE/30? Ng, Franny
[ Bug#497165: amiga-fdisk-cross is not being built on any architecture other than i386] Christian T. Steigies
openjdk-6 (and fastjar) build ping? Matthias Klose
Dead link on Charles Plessy
newb question : list of elligible computers to debian-68k LilleTomte
debian kernel svn shortcuts Stephen R Marenka
debian daily netinst cd Stephen R Marenka
perl borken? Stephen R Marenka
GNAT backend generates incorrect code for return from __gnat_malloc. Stephen N Chivers
Re: site missing Wouter Verhelst
Re: [mac68k] Do you want to play with a floppy ? Laurent Vivier
The last update was on 15:02 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 147 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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