debian-user Nov 2013 by thread
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Re: Lenovo R61 Think Pad dead after fewer than five years ken
Re: Lenovo R61 Think Pad dead after fewer than five years Steven Rosenberg
Why syslog is not rotating? Itay
Re: NVIDIA Problem? erosenberg
3D printer Beco
Multiple dpkg warning (non-empty directories) during upgrade to wheezy Itay
update-alternatives warnings (post upgrade to wheezy) Itay
Re: Wheezy Installation doesn't work on reboot Marko Randjelovic
SOLVED - was Re: custom fixed terminal font testing Zenaan Harkness
System settings -fglrx disabled it? Catherine Gramze
Bash Scripting Question Thomas H. George
[OT] What is an open thread (was Re: 3D printer) Beco
Samba group share directory and Thunar "Unable to find or create trash directory" David Christensen
mdadm messages François Patte
spam when I reply to debian mailing list : "Festival Shutdown : Re: ...." berenger . morel
Re: Choosing default OS in multi boot system Kruppt
What to do when not understanding man pages? Richard Owlett
No space left on device (28) but device is NOT full! Tazman Deville
free-software phone: neo900 green
Wine on Wheezy -- cant find basti
Wine on Wheezy basti
Re: USB adapter for SD card. Cindy-Sue Causey
rkhunter warning meaning François Patte
screen ping-pong Jean-Marc Ranger
(64-bit) linux 3.10 and nouveau oddity Neal Murphy
Unschribe Balázs Horváth
Re(3ish): USB adapter for SD card. peasthope
Re: can't find pae kernel after a new install Pierre Frenkiel
Kernel panic - 2.6.32, tcp_keepalive_timer Vladimir Zagaychuk
Debian on thecus N2560 Brian Platt
not your regular ipv4/ipv6 dns issue mourik jan heupink
Problem understanding/using dpkg-scanpackages Richard Owlett
Disable gjs-console Dan
Fwd: Cron <root@tony-lx> [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -depth -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -ignore_readdir_race -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) ! -execdir fuser -s {} 2>/dev/null \; -delete Tony van der Hoff
Booting netinst via PXE Lucio Crusca
Compiling kernel: problem! Antispammbox-debian
mounting my USB RAM Stick Jean-Marc
How to deal with Xresources Frank McCormick
configure gnome help page Matthias Bodenbinder
libxml warnings while upgrading squeeze -> wheezy Itay
bug?: gpg warnings during apt set (while upgrading squeeze -> wheezy) Itay
premature munin-update termination due to read timeout from node? Thomas Keusch
Different weird update by apt-get and aptitude Florian Lindner
book reference james gray
Connectivity issues on wheezy Roman Gelfand
nspluginwrapper for wheezy amd64 deb package deloptes
tv watching apps Brad Alexander
Error trying to update Lenny... Account for Debian group mail
Sound Volume Stephen P. Molnar
SSD as Cache? basti
USB 2.0 with 1.1 speed Gábor Hársfalvi
Installing Debian 7.2.0 on MacBook Pro (6,2) Craigslist User
Permission issue Richard Owlett
Why Debian Alberto Salvia Novella
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