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premature munin-update termination due to read timeout from node?


I'm running a current Debian 7.2 with munin 2.0.6-4+deb7u1.

There are a couple of plugins which take some time to finish due to the nature
of what they do, which is around 17-19 seconds average. There is about half a dozen
of these plugins.

Unfortunaely munin-update terminates almost all the time after around 72
seconds, which is at least 50 seconds early to what a complete and successful run
takes. Seems it loses patience with reading from the node.

2013/11/07-06:51:05 [26174] Service 'tke_FOOBAR' timed out.

2013/11/07 06:56:02 [FATAL] Socket read from vs2.gothschlampen.com failed.  Terminating process. at /usr/share/perl5/Munin/Master/UpdateWorker.pm line 394
2013/11/07 06:56:02 [ERROR] Error in node communication with vs2.gothschlampen.com/ [FATAL] Socket read from vs2.gothschlampen.com failed.  Terminating process. at /usr/share/perl5/Munin/Master/UpdateWorker.pm line 394

In munin-node.conf I tried to increase the timeout like this:

$ grep ^time /etc/munin/*.conf
/etc/munin/munin-node.conf:timeout 270

Which is undocumented, and doesn't help, nonetheless is the solution that comes
up most often if you google this kind of problem.

I also modified the call to munin-update inside munin-cron by appending
"--timeout=250" and/or "-timeout 250", which unfortunately doesn't seem to work

Is munin really this broken in this regard, or is it with my otherwise rather
plain vanilla setup?

Best regards

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