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Re: How to start using a free OS

On 11/11/2013 10:15 AM, David F wrote:
... when a user tries to switch from
a proprietary OS to a free OS, the switching of the core operating
system is likely nearly invisible to them; but they often are also
switching many of the applications that they use every day, and this is
where it becomes such a difficult transition and a steep learning curve.
But, some (many?) of these free software applications can also run on
proprietary OSs (2).  So, my advice to a novice who is using a
proprietary OS and wants to begin with Debian, or any other free OS, is
to start by using free software on their proprietary OS.


Another advantage of migrating applications before the OS is that you will need to migrate existing data. Simultaneous installations of proprietary and FOSS applications on a proprietary OS allows data migration via import/ export through common file formats and also via automation (e.g. one application controlling another programmatically). The later approach was the only reliable method I found for migrating Outlook e-mail and address books to Thunderbird.


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