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Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?
Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?
[ANN] Debian Fun Blend
Aw: Future of DPL helpers / meeting on 2013-04-23
Aw: Geant321 and geant4 in science package
Aw: Re: Debian participation into GNOME Outreach Program for Women
Bug#704874: [] Ticket priorities
"Closing due to too many bugs" (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
Re: Dealing with ITS abuse
Dealing with ITS abuse (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
DebConf14 venue decision
A Debian contributor StackOverflow
Debian Maintainers Keyring changes
Re: Debian participation into GNOME Outreach Program for Women
Debian Project Leader Election 2013 Results
Re: [dpl-helpers] foopad2git (Re: Future of DPL helpers / meeting on 2013-04-23
Re: [dpl-helpers] Future of DPL helpers / meeting on 2013-04-23
foopad2git (Re: [dpl-helpers] Future of DPL helpers / meeting on 2013-04-23
Future of DPL helpers / meeting on 2013-04-23
Geant321 and geant4 in science package
"I rid you of some of your bugs; please fix mine?" (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
Re: Poor BTS interactions (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
Purpose of tickets (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
Registering the Debian Logo as our trademark?
Re: Removing or limiting DD rights?
Secrecy of member expulsions (Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?)
Re: Upstream packaging (was Re: Derivatives, MongoDB and freezes)
The last update was on 13:26 GMT Wed May 01. There are 111 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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