Re: Debian participation into GNOME Outreach Program for Women
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 12:18:35AM +0100, Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:
> Ok, if anybody is against I take this responsibility, I can do it, but
> before, let me expose some thoughts & doubts:
> * I understand that GSoC projects are those that are technical and
> non-GSoc projects are the non-technical ones. But what happens if a
> woman wants to apply for a technical project and she is not a student?
> She could apply for OPW but not for GSoC, but all technical projects are
> in GSoC list... I think Debian should have women everywhere, not only in
> the non-techie side. How could we fix this?
> * I don't completely understand how GSoC and OPW are combined. Do you
> have more details about it?
> * 5000$ is a lot of money. If this kind of positive discrimination
> works, I think it's worth to do it but I would like to know if you feel
> most Debian contributors agree with this. Note: I have no idea about the
> current Debian finances status.
> > If noone else volunteers for that, I will *consider* doing it myself,
> > but I'd rather not --- mainly because the timeframe of this OPW round
> > coincides with the DPL change of guard and I'd rather devote my Debian
> > time to ensure a smooth transition than joining new activities.
> If noone else wants to join me, could I count on you if I feel lost in
> the way? :-)
First of all, Debian did quite decently in respect to having female students
last year in GSo in GSoCC. We had 2 female students out of 15 projects. That's a female ratio
of 2 digits, way more than the female partition in Debian :)
I shared Monica's confusion when first reading this thread, I find the
participation in the program was somehow rushed with zack's initial email
leaving some things unclear. After re-reading today the thread and looking at
the OPW information, this is how I see things:
First of all, the program needs a separate coordinator and I'm happy to see
Mònica volunteering for this. I will be happy to join her, but with her
keeping the "main seat".
Another important thing is Karen said OPW happens twice per year so if we
don't do it now for whatever reason, we can do it for the next round and it
is not a big deal.
About the 2 main issues:
*) overlap / relation with GSoC and kind of tasks
To do OPW, we would need to add separate wiki pages in the Debian Wiki about
our participation in the OPW, but sharing the task list with the GSoC. In the
top of the GSoC task list we add the tasks might be available as OPW tasks too
and encourage people who also are covered by the condictions of participation
of the OPW but not GSoC's to contact the mentors and apply.
For those tasks that can be only done under the OPW, we added them separately
in the same wiki page saying that they are only availablel under the OPW
program. Note, that those are not coding tasks, this doesn't mean
not-technical tasks.
And now the important part: once the deadline for students sending their
proposals ends, the GSoC and OPW admins will see what's the best distribution
of projects-students and when they're worth it. Sometimes a project have a few
proposals but none of them is good enough and the project isn't assigned a
student. In both cases, GSoC and OPW, if we don't see it clear, we shouldn't
take the student.
*) Money
Google pays 5500 USD per project, where 5000 USD goes to the student and 500
USD to the mentoring organization. Before 2012, the 500 USD given to the
mentoring organization were used for mostly for the mentors (or the students
for debconf10) to help them to attend debconf or complete the reimbursement
for the GSoC summit. Last year this money went to the Debian general funds.
If Debian gets 10 GSoC projects this year, that provides ($500x10) the needed
5000 USD for this extra internship.
Getting 10 GSoC projects is a real posibility since in 2012 we had 15
projects and in 2011, we had 10 projects.
This should have everything covered?
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