debian-l10n-english Sep 2012 by thread
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[LCFC] templates://nvidia-support/{nvidia-support.templates,nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates,control} David Prévot
[LCFC] templates://byobu/{templates,control} David Prévot
[LCFC] templates://pam-mysql/{libpam-mysql.templates} Christian PERRIER
Questions about BTS SOAP interface "pending" attribute Francesco Poli
[TAF] templates://bacula/{} Christian PERRIER
DPN 18/2012 frozen. Please review and translate. Francesca Ciceri
adding infos to pseudo-urls.wml Stéphane Blondon
New templates related to IPv6 in Debian Installer Christian PERRIER
please review updated templates for fglrx-driver [non-free] Andreas Beckmann
Clarification plan for apt-listbugs filtering options Francesco Poli
Can I come over to ur life?:) Gertude Orem
Bug#688671: Please review package description boilerplate and line up short descriptions Martin Eberhard Schauer
[RFR] New description for fwknop Franck Joncourt
need help to make better description of ruby-locale Hleb Valoshka
[RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/19/index.wml Debian Project News frozen. Please review and translate David Prévot
The last update was on 06:07 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 122 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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