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[BTS#686262] templates://nvidia-support/{nvidia-support.templates,nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates,control}

Control: tags -1 patch

Le 05/09/2012 20:54, David Prévot a écrit :
> Le 04/09/2012 09:06, Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
>> On Thursday, 30. August 2012 18:47:38 David Prévot wrote:
>>> A small typo in one of the templates (missing prepending underscore)
>>> prevent one screen to be translated.
>> That template is currently unused, it's unclear whether (and how) we will 
>> enable this feature, which will probably require rewording. Therefore this is 
>> currently not marked as translatable.
> Thanks for your explanation. I've dropped the prepending underscore from
> the review then.
>> We already had several rounds of reviewing these a few months ago ... 
>> including using "Nvidia" consistently throughout the packages ...
> It seems they were not applied constantly, given the respective number
> of Nvidia (11) and NVIDIA (12) occurrences. Anyway, this review boils
> down to s/Nvidia/NVIDIA/g in the templates (so it can be safely unfuzzy
> by applying the same regex to the debian/po/* files), and a review of
> the packages description (amending almost only nvidia-common) by Justin.

On Tuesday, August 30, 2012, I notified you of the beginning of a
review process concerning debconf templates for nvidia-support.

The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
and the final proposed changes are attached to this update to the
original bug report.

Since there are no need to coordinate translation update (the _full
patch takes care of the trivial unfuzzy), feel free to apply the changes
to your package when you see fit.

Again, thanks for your attention and cooperation.



diff -Nru --exclude po nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/changelog nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/changelog
--- nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/changelog	2012-08-03 09:31:19.000000000 -0400
+++ nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/changelog	2012-09-07 18:39:38.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+nvidia-support (20120731+2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Review templates and package description by the debian-l10n-english team.
+    (Closes: #686262)
+  [ Debconf translations ]
+  * Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR): J. S. Júnior (Closes: #685262)
+ -- David Prévot <taffit@debian.org>  Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:19:56 -0400
 nvidia-support (20120731+1) experimental; urgency=low
   * nvidia-kernel-common: The nouveau blacklist is now handled by
diff -Nru --exclude po nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/control nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/control
--- nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/control	2012-08-03 08:42:55.000000000 -0400
+++ nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/control	2012-09-07 18:35:37.000000000 -0400
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Description: NVIDIA binary graphics driver support files
  This package contains support files needed for all current and legacy
- versions of the non-free NVIDIA graphics drivers.  These include scripts
+ versions of the non-free NVIDIA graphics drivers. These include scripts
  used for warning about a mismatching version of the kernel module or for
  creating a minimal xorg.conf to enable the NVIDIA driver.
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Conflicts: nvidia-common
 Replaces: nvidia-common
-Description: Cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-installer
- This package takes care that no old installation of the non-free NVIDIA
- graphics drivers that was done with the nvidia-installer remains on the
- system.  Such an installation conflicts with the packaged drivers.
+Description: cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-installer
+ This package ensures that no remnants of the non-free NVIDIA graphics
+ drivers that were installed with the nvidia-installer remain on the
+ system. Such an installation conflicts with the packaged drivers.
  Furthermore using the nvidia-installer to install a new version of the
  drivers is prevented as long as this package is installed.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 Description: NVIDIA binary kernel module support files
  This package contains support files used for any version of the NVIDIA
- kernel module.  It sets up udev and ConsoleKit rules, ensures the NVIDIA
+ kernel module. It sets up udev and ConsoleKit rules, ensures the NVIDIA
  control device is created, associates the NVIDIA card with the correct
  kernel module, and performs any other tasks required for the module to
  work properly.
diff -Nru --exclude po nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates
--- nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates	2012-08-03 08:39:04.000000000 -0400
+++ nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/nvidia-installer-cleanup.templates	2012-09-07 18:52:22.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: nvidia-installer-cleanup/uninstall-nvidia-installer
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Run "nvidia-installer --uninstall"?
  The nvidia-installer program was found on this system. This is
- probably left over from an earlier installation of the non-free Nvidia
- graphics driver, installed using the Nvidia *.run file directly. This
+ probably left over from an earlier installation of the non-free NVIDIA
+ graphics driver, installed using the NVIDIA *.run file directly. This
  installation is incompatible with the Debian packages. To install the
  Debian packages safely, it is therefore necessary to undo the changes
  performed by nvidia-installer.
@@ -14,10 +23,10 @@
 Default: true
 _Description: Delete nvidia-installer files?
  Some files from the nvidia-installer program still remain on this system.
- These probably come from an earlier installation of the non-free Nvidia
+ These probably come from an earlier installation of the non-free NVIDIA
  graphics driver using the *.run file directly. Running the
  uninstallation procedure may have failed and left these behind. These
- files conflict with the packages providing the non-free Nvidia graphics
+ files conflict with the packages providing the non-free NVIDIA graphics
  driver and must be removed before the package installation can continue.
 Template: nvidia-installer-cleanup/remove-conflicting-libraries
@@ -26,7 +35,7 @@
 _Description: Remove conflicting library files?
  The following libraries were found on this system and conflict with
- the current installation of the Nvidia graphics drivers:
+ the current installation of the NVIDIA graphics drivers:
diff -Nru --exclude po nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/nvidia-support.templates nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/nvidia-support.templates
--- nvidia-support-20120731+1/debian/nvidia-support.templates	2012-08-03 09:00:38.000000000 -0400
+++ nvidia-support-20120731+2/debian/nvidia-support.templates	2012-09-07 18:35:50.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: nvidia-support/check-running-module-version
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
@@ -15,7 +24,7 @@
 Template: nvidia-support/warn-mismatching-module-version
 Type: error
 _Description: Mismatching nvidia kernel module loaded
- The Nvidia driver that is being installed (version ${new-version})
+ The NVIDIA driver that is being installed (version ${new-version})
  does not match the nvidia kernel module currently loaded
  (version ${running-version}).
@@ -37,8 +46,8 @@
 Template: nvidia-support/needs-xorg-conf-to-enable
 Type: note
-_Description: Manual configuration required to enable Nvidia driver
- The Nvidia driver is not yet configured; it needs to be enabled in
+_Description: Manual configuration required to enable NVIDIA driver
+ The NVIDIA driver is not yet configured; it needs to be enabled in
  xorg.conf before it can be used.
  Please see the package documentation for instructions.
@@ -53,9 +62,9 @@
 Template: nvidia-support/removed-but-enabled-in-xorg-conf
 Type: error
-_Description: Nvidia driver is still enabled in xorg.conf
- The Nvidia driver was just removed, but it is still enabled in the
- Xorg configuration. X cannot be (re-)started successfully until Nvidia
+_Description: NVIDIA driver is still enabled in xorg.conf
+ The NVIDIA driver was just removed, but it is still enabled in the
+ Xorg configuration. X cannot be (re-)started successfully until NVIDIA
  is disabled in the following config file(s):

Attachment: nvidia-support_bug686260_full.patch.xz
Description: application/xz

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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