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Re: Bug#686212: [BTS#686212] templates://lsh-utils/{lsh-server.templates,control}

On fredagen den 7 september 2012, David Prévot wrote:
> Control: tags -1 patch
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2012, I notified you of the beginning of a
> review process concerning debconf templates for jffnms.
> The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
> and the final proposed changes are attached to this update to the
> original bug report.
> Please review the suggested changes, and if you have any objections, let
> me know in the next 3 days.

I just noticed that your final patch didn't uppercase "sftp" in

_Description: Enable the sftp subsystem?

as Justin suggested. I'll just go ahead and change that throughout, OK? Or is 
there a distinction between the sftp subsystem (as in /usr/lib/lsh-
server/sftp-server) and the SFTP protocol?

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren@debian.org
Debian Developer 

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