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Final update for English review (2nd take)

Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubulle@debian.org):
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> On Thursday, August 30, 2012, I notified you of the beginning of a review process
> concerning debconf templates for firmware-nonfree.
> The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
> and the final proposed changes are attached to this update to the
> original bug report.
> Please review the suggested changes, and if you have any
> objections, let me know in the next 3 days.
> However, please try to avoid uploading firmware-nonfree with these changes
> right now.
> The second phase of this process will begin on Sunday, September 02, 2012, when I will
> coordinate updates to translations of debconf templates.

I just discovered a spurious trailing space in one template. I just
correctedthis in the attached patch. I will fix translations as they
come, as well as translations that already have been sent.

--- firmware-nonfree.old/debian/templates/templates.license.in	2012-08-22 06:51:30.031755144 +0200
+++ firmware-nonfree/debian/templates/templates.license.in	2012-09-05 07:12:41.441931791 +0200
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: firmware-@package@/license/accepted
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-Description: Do you agree to the "@license-title@"?
+_Description: Do you agree to the "@license-title@"?
  In order to install this package, you must agree to the following terms,
  the "@license-title@".
  If you do not agree, the installation will be canceled.
 Template: firmware-@package@/license/error
 Type: error
-Description: Declined @license-title@
- If you do not agree to the "@license-title@" 
+_Description: Declined @license-title@
+ If you do not agree to the "@license-title@"
  license terms you cannot install this software.
  The installation of this package has been canceled.
--- firmware-nonfree.old/debian/changelog	2012-08-22 06:51:30.027755036 +0200
+++ firmware-nonfree/debian/changelog	2012-09-04 19:27:28.434193231 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+firmware-nonfree (0.37) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
+    english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #685579
+  * [Debconf translation updates]
+  * Polish (Michał Kułach).  Closes: #686601
+  * Slovak (Slavko).  Closes: #686678
+  * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #686681
+ -- Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>  Wed, 22 Aug 2012 07:13:08 +0200
 firmware-nonfree (0.36) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control: Set Multi-Arch: foreign

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