Improving imagemagick.bug-presubj
Dear native english reader,
Could you help me and improve this bug-presubj message?
It will be displayed before submitting a bug with reportbug against imagemagick.
When reporting imagemagick errors, please provide the actual
input files (images) and options given to the tool
(convert, mogrify, identify) at run time.
This can mean the difference between a pleasant debugging experience
and a heisenbug that becomes unreproducible.
Please notices, that imagemagick depends for converting some file
format on various package. These formats includes
svg, dots (graphviz), tiff, png, jpeg, wmf.
Debugging imagemagick could be difficult and it is really helpful to
follow the following steps:
1. verify that you have installed imagemagick and not graphickmagick-compat:
- run under a terminal: convert 2>&1 | grep -i GraphicsMagick
- if you see graphicmagick on the output,
please reportbug to graphickmagick
2. install the imagemagick-dbg,libjpeg8-dbg,libwmf-bin,librsvg2-dbg,librsvg2-bin
inkscape package.
3. Instead of running convert, mogrify, display or identify run
convert.im6, mogrify.im6, display.im6 or identify.im6 directly.
4. if imagemagick coredump, could you please send a backtrace. See to get it.
5. if the input format is svg, run the following program:
- rsvg-convert yourinput.svg > outrsvg.png
- inkscape yourinput.svg --export-png=outputinkscape.png
- join to your bug report outrsvg.png and outputinkscape.png
6. Document the exact command line used, and join the input files.
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