Re: Bug#686207: [LCFC] templates://lazarus/{lcl-utils.templates,control}.in
Paul Gevers wrote:
> In the file, I notice a lot of metapackages which had not
> architecture: all. This is not really translation related but anyway. I
> could imaging that it ensures that on all platforms it depends on the
> correct version in that architecture, but is that really what we want?
I don't know what you want; I'm not even sure what happens with
meta/dependency-packages in cases like this. (So much for "compile
> I didn't like the "version of the LCL" for no-gui/GTK+/Qt. I thing it is
> merely the PART of the LCL that you need for that. It is different from
> the "version of the IDE" which is correct.
And you've de-placeholderised lcl-qt4. Yes, this all makes sense.
> In the lcl-utils.templates file, I tried to add more information, as I
> understand it. It is still not perfect, but maybe you now understand
> better what is intended (as I understand it) so that you can further
> improve the text.
> The configuration of lazarus is not one file, so I dropped "file" in the
> description, but the plural form is also good.
That is:
> Template: lcl-utils${PACKAGESUFFIX}/rename_cfg
> Type: boolean
> Default: true
> _Description: Rename "/etc/lazarus" to "/etc/lazarus.bak"?
> The installation process discovered a real directory at /etc/lazarus, which is
(We try to discourage installers that talk about themselves - just say
what was found.)
> probably from a previous installation. However, Lazarus now supports having
> multiple version installed on the same system. The update-alternatives command
> can then be used to set a default version for
> * lazarus-ide (the IDE)
> * lazarus (the configuration file and helper tools)
> Standard, the latest version is used.
"Standard" being an attempt to avoid repeating the word "default"?
You need an adverb - maybe "normally".
> .
> Unfortunately, the Lazarus configuration files are not always backward
> compatible, so it is not possible to use one configuration file for all lazarus
> installations.
Wait, don't you mean "one set of configuration files"? (And capitalised
> Therefore the update-alternatives can be used to switch between
> versions of the configuration files.
No need for "the", and I'm not sure about that "therefore". Maybe it
should be "instead"? And it would be clearer if it said something
about switching to an appropriate config to match the Lazarus version.
(Or is it that you switch the "lazarus" alternative to match the
"lazarus-ide" alternative?)
> If you have made changes to your
> configuration files, you will most likely need to review them and apply them to
> all versioned configurations.
All these references to "configuration files" get repetitive.
> .
> In order to start using the alternatives system on the system wide Lazarus
> configuration you must accept renaming "/etc/lazarus". If you don't, you
> will need to review the configuration upon every version update of Lazarus.
Okay, this is making a lot more sense. Putting together my rephrasing
_Description: Rename "/etc/lazarus" to "/etc/lazarus.bak"?
There is a real directory at /etc/lazarus, probably from a previous
installation. However, Lazarus now supports keeping multiple versions
installed at the same time and using the alternatives system to set a
default version for:
* lazarus-ide (the IDE);
* lazarus (the configuration file and helper tools).
Normally, the latest version is used.
Unfortunately, the system-wide configuration files are not always
backward-compatible, so the Lazarus installations cannot share a single
set of configuration files. Instead, when you set the default Lazarus
version with update-alternatives, you can also switch the default
configuration to match. If you have made changes to your configuration
files, you will probably need to review them and apply them to all
versioned configurations.
In order to start using the alternatives system on the system-wide Lazarus
configuration you must accept renaming "/etc/lazarus". If you don't, you
will need to review the configuration on every version update of Lazarus.
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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