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[LCFC] templates://git-stuff/{control,git-stuff.templates}


Thanks Justin and Christian for your reviews. Justin, your templates
file didn't match the diff you proposed, I used the diff, and reattach
the files.

Thanks in advance for your last comments.



diff --git a/git-stuff.control b/git-stuff.control
index 9511f3a..56494ba 100644
--- a/git-stuff.control
+++ b/git-stuff.control
@@ -12,17 +12,10 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends}, git
 Recommends: cron, git-buildpackage, mr, pristine-tar
 Description: additional Git utilities
  This is a growing collection of tools for the Git Version Control System.
- .
- Currently the following tools have been documented:
- .
-  * git-amend-all: adds all untracked files and amend all changes to the last
-    commit.
-  * git-checkout-branches: checks out all remote branches.
-  * git-cherry-pick-recursive: does a cherry-pick for a commit and each all its
-    children.
-  * git-commit-lazy: creates a new commit with all untracked files and changes.
-  * git-debian-add: creates a new commit and tag with all untracked files and
-    changes as new debian version.
-  * git-debian-changelog: creates a new section in debian/changelog with all
-    entries since the last release.
-  * git-whoami: tells about author and committer information.
+ It includes:
+  * git-checkout-branches;
+  * git-debian-{add,changelog,release,retag,tag};
+  * git-dpkg-source;
+  * git-hook-notification-{bts,cia.pl,email};
+  * git-repack-repositories{,-cron};
+  * git-upstream-{add,retag,tag,tar}.
diff --git a/git-stuff.templates b/git-stuff.templates
index f34c0dd..76ed2eb 100644
--- a/git-stuff.templates
+++ b/git-stuff.templates
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
 Template: git-repack-repositories/title
 Type: title
-Description: Git Repack Repositories
+_Description: Git repack repositories
 Template: git-repack-repositories/enable
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-Description: Git repack:
- Git repositories tend to grow quite large quickly. From time to time, you
- have to repack the repositories to save space and keep optimal
- performances (by not having too many of files in the objects
- subdirectory).
- .
- Do you want to enable the cron job?
+_Description: Enable cron job?
+ Git repositories tend to grow quite large quickly. To save space and
+ maintain optimal performance they should be repacked from time to
+ time (reducing the number of files in the objects subdirectory).
 Template: git-repack-repositories/directories
 Type: string
 Default: /srv/git
-Description: Git directories:
- Please specify the directory or directories (space separated) that is used
- as root for the Git repositories on your server. Note that
+_Description: Git directories:
+ Please specify the directory or directories (space separated) used
+ as root for the Git repositories on the server. Note that
  git-repack-repositories will work recursively.
 Template: git-repack-repositories/cron
 Type: string
 Default: @monthly
-Description: Git cron:
- What times should the cron job be started? Please refer to crontab(5) for
- the format definition. The default or if left empty will set the interval
- to '@monthly' (without the quotes) which means it gets executed every
- beginning of the month at midnight.
+_Description: Git cron job scheduling:
+ Please choose when the cron job should be started.
+ .
+ See crontab(5) for the format definition. If it is left empty, the
+ default value "@monthly" (without the quotes) will be used, executing
+ the cron job every month.
 Template: git-stuff/title
 Type: title
-Description: additional Git utilities
+_Description: Additional Git utilities
 Template: git-stuff/bash-profile
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-Description: Shortcuts for Bash (/etc/profile.d)
- Should special shortcut definitions for Bash be activated in /etc/profile.d?
- .
- If unsure, say no.
+_Description: Should shortcut definitions be activated?
+ Special shortcut definitions for Bash can be activated in /etc/profile.d.
Template: git-repack-repositories/title
Type: title
_Description: Git repack repositories

Template: git-repack-repositories/enable
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Enable cron job?
 Git repositories tend to grow quite large quickly. To save space and
 maintain optimal performance they should be repacked from time to
 time (reducing the number of files in the objects subdirectory).

Template: git-repack-repositories/directories
Type: string
Default: /srv/git
_Description: Git directories:
 Please specify the directory or directories (space separated) used
 as root for the Git repositories on the server. Note that
 git-repack-repositories will work recursively.

Template: git-repack-repositories/cron
Type: string
Default: @monthly
_Description: Git cron job scheduling:
 Please choose when the cron job should be started.
 See crontab(5) for the format definition. If it is left empty, the
 default value "@monthly" (without the quotes) will be used, executing
 the cron job every month.

Template: git-stuff/title
Type: title
_Description: Additional Git utilities

Template: git-stuff/bash-profile
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Should shortcut definitions be activated?
 Special shortcut definitions for Bash can be activated in /etc/profile.d.
Source: git-stuff
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
Uploaders: Andrew Lee (æ??å?¥ç§?) <ajqlee@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
Standards-Version: 3.9.3

Package: git-stuff
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, git
Recommends: cron, git-buildpackage, mr, pristine-tar
Description: additional Git utilities
 This is a growing collection of tools for the Git Version Control System.
 It includes:
  * git-checkout-branches;
  * git-debian-{add,changelog,release,retag,tag};
  * git-dpkg-source;
  * git-hook-notification-{bts,cia.pl,email};
  * git-repack-repositories{,-cron};
  * git-upstream-{add,retag,tag,tar}.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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