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Re: Review request for apt-listbugs template po file

On Thu, 6 Sep 2012 19:24:09 +0100 Justin B Rye wrote:

> Francesco Poli wrote:
> > By default apt-listbugs will show bugs regardless of their tags.
> > With the -T option, the user may request that only bugs having
> > all the specified tags are displayed. For instance, -T security,moreinfo
> > will only show bugs that have both the "security" tag and the "moreinfo"
> > tag.
> Right, so this one's an ANDing filter!?

Yes, it is.

> > By default apt-listbugs will show bugs regardless of their statuses.
> > With the -S option, the user may request that only bugs having
> > one of the specified statuses are displayed. For instance,
> > -S done,forwarded will only show bugs that are fixed in some version
> > or forwarded to upstream.
> Okay, so the three vital facts that were being left unstated are
>  1: it works as a filter on the listed bugs;
>  2: it's an inclusive (ORed) rather than exclusive (ANDed) filter;
>  3: the "default"... no, hang on, I *still* don't understand.
> If "forwarded,done,pending,pending-fixed" is the default, used when
> I haven't specified a different -S list, that means normally
> apt-listbugs will only show bugs that fall into one of those status
> categories.  And if there's a critical bug that the maintainer
> hasn't responded to in any way, it won't match any of them, so
> apparently by default apt-listbugs won't tell me about it.  But it
> *will* tell me about all the ones that were marked as "done" back in
> the nineties.  Surely that can't be right?

Indeed, that's not right. See below.

> Oh, but wait - the following line was:
> | Note that  'pending' does not mean 'tagged pending', but 'still
> | open, pending a fix'.
> Ungh.  What was wrong with the word "open"?

Do not ask me, I am not the one who chose the names for those
statuses!  ;-)

> Am I similarly
> misunderstanding the subtleties of a bug labelled as "done"?  And
> what does "pending-fixed" mean?

Those four statuses come directly from the BTS SOAP interface.
I assume that their names were decided by the authors of Debbugs.
I am asking them for clarification on some points (with
debian-l10n-english in Cc) before going on with our fruitful discussion.

> > Please note the slight different behavior of the -T option (where the
> > specified tags are put in AND) with respect to the other mentioned
> > options (where the specified severities, statuses, or bug numbers are
> > put in OR).
> Yes, well.  I hope you don't mind if I stop here for now

It's of course OK, really.
You're being incredibly helpful, and I cannot stress enough how much I
appreciate it.

> - it's been a hard slog making sense of this,

I am sorry for this.

> and I'm not going to try rushing
> off ahead until I know whether I'm on the right track at last.

Fair enough.
I hope I will be able to clarify the last cryptic bits, as soon as we
get a reply from Debbugs maintainers...

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