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Re: Review request for apt-listbugs template po file

On Sat, 8 Sep 2012 22:46:36 +0100 Justin B Rye wrote:

> Francesco Poli wrote:
> >> and I'm not going to try rushing
> >> off ahead until I know whether I'm on the right track at last.
> > 
> > Fair enough.
> > I hope I will be able to clarify the last cryptic bits, as soon as we
> > get a reply from Debbugs maintainers...
> Before I forget where we were in all this, here's roughly what I was
> thinking of suggesting for the options in question:

Wow, that's a major rewrite of part of the man page!
Do you release it under the same license terms as apt-listbugs (GPLv2
or later [1])?


> Note that I've sorted the pending-state values into order.  So, does
> it really default to showing "done" bugs but not "fixed" ones?

It seems so.

For instance, the BTS web interface tells me [2] that bug #686833 is
currently in pending-state "fixed", has severity "grave" and is present
in unstable.


Let's see what apt-listbugs tells me:

$ apt-listbugs -s grave list git-extras 
Retrieving bug reports... Done
Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done
$ apt-listbugs -s grave -S fixed list git-extras 
Retrieving bug reports... Done
Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done
grave bugs of git-extras (-> ) <fixed>
 #686833 - git-extras - git-gh-pages - removes all files
 git-extras(1 bug)

> Is that deliberate, or just some kind of accidental oversight?

I am not sure, since I "inherited" the code when I adopted the
apt-listbugs package and I have not yet touched this part of the
It really looks like an accidental oversight: as far as I can tell, the
fact that there's the "fixed" tag means that a NMU is going to fix the
bug, but does not guarantee in itself the the NMU is already available
for the distribution you are using (maybe the NMU is not yet uploaded,
or is delayed, or is available in unstable, but you use testing, and so

Mmmmh, you have probably spotted a bug in apt-listbugs...
Thanks for pointing it out.
I will think about it and I will probably fix it, sooner or later (but
I don't know whether such a change is acceptable during a freeze... so
maybe later).

As far as the "absent" pending-state is concerned, I seem to be unable
to find a bug report that is claimed to be in this state by the BTS
SOAP response...  :-/
But not showing "absent" bugs seems to be the right thing to do for
apt-listbugs, so I am not even sure this pending-state should really be
documented in the apt-listbugs man page...

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