debian-powerpc Apr 2008 by thread
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Strange kernel message. Charles Plessy
xserver-xorg 7.3 or 7.4? Ralf Saalmüller
Urgent Attention Please. Mousa Kabore
Issues with Debian Lenny on Powerbook G4 Amit T Uttamchandani
Help needed in fixing some post installation issues Norberto Feliberty
How to build ps3-utils from source Norberto Feliberty
Re: Bug#372070: Could someone try to reproduce #372070 Ove Kaaven
Getting airport card to work Cheryl Homiak
Fixed airport problem Cheryl Homiak
USB microphone or webcam with in-built mphone on iBook 300MHz Ennio-Sr
Message de Petra depuis le site horoscope
Installation Open-firmware error Rev B iMac Bryan Pierce
DPL teams review 2008 Steve McIntyre
a couple of small sound issues with mac mini chomiak7737
Debian 2.6.8 Kernel on MPC8547 in little-endian mode Koshal, Arun Kumar
Preemption and SMP settings Greeze Brown
The last update was on 20:14 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 103 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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