debian-powerpc Jun 1999 by subject
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[Patch]: Re: [workaround] console-switch screws colors (fwd)
Alien RPM->deb errors (missing GetoptLong, ARCH)
Re: Are the Mac G3 laptops viable now?
Auto-building on tervola...
Backspace key
bug in emacs, su
bug in rcp
Re: Bug#40175: xserver-fbdev: X loses it's color mapping when switching back from VC with DIRECTCOLOR
but I *don't* have 12M SGRAM!
Re: but I *don't* have 12M SGRAM! (update)
Debian in a PowerPC 43P 133
FIX: Backslash, German iMac keyboard, and OpenFirmware
gdb 4.18-1 (fwd)
gdb don't want my xserver core file ...
Glibc2.1 and *LyX* (WAS Re: Glibc2.1 and Netscape)
Re: HORROR!: System in unstable state....
HOWTO [was Re: Installing Debian base2_2.tgz]
I am new to this list and new to debian-power-pc-linux
Re: Installing Debian base2_2.tgz
Re: Installing Debian base2_2.tgz (fwd)
missing header files?
Fwd: Re: MySQL and -*-R5
netscape 4.6
netscape yet again
other XF86_FBDev issues
pm2 acceleration patch for X -> Debian?
postgresql-6.5 beta3
Re: powerbook g3
PowerBook G3 400Mhz
PowerPC alien patch (to run Netscape on Debian potato)
quik sources?
Ready to install on a G3 laptop. What's the current procedure?
Request proof-reading: installing Debian over LinuxPPC
strange e2fs behavior ...
strange X/xdm crashes..
time oddities
Re: Uploaded postgresql 6.4.2-9 (source i386 all) to chiark
WindowMaker 0.60 and signal 6
Re: XEmacs configuration
XFb_Dev and one-button mouse
XFree86 and ATI accel.
Re: XFree86 just broke on PB3400 (Fri 5/28/99 AM (US))
The last update was on 07:25 GMT Sat May 11. There are 150 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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