Re: gdb don't want my xserver core file ...
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 08:35:38AM -0700, Joel Klecker wrote:
> At 15:20 +0200 1999-06-14, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> >yes, sure, but it would be more convenient to have a true patch, any
> >link on how to
> >dissect rpm files without rpm installed ? i guess the srpms format is upstream
> >source + a load of patches applied, isn't it ?
> <>, rpm2cpio
> file.src.rpm | cpio --extract.
> srpms are a modified cpio archive containing the upstream tarball,
> zero or more patches, and the .spec file.
Thanks, i extracted the srpm with rpm, and builded a gdb package with the patch. it works fine.
Is someone else interrested ? Should i make a NMU, or simply send the maintainer of gdb the patch ?
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