Auto-building on tervola...
Can Hartmut or someone explain to me how the auto-building/uploading is
done on tervola?
And another thing... the perl guy keeps losing this semun patch and then
doesn't answer his email! Can someone else try to contact him or
ultimately do an NMU...
--- doio.c~1~ Tue May 18 22:21:26 1999
+++ doio.c Tue May 18 22:29:26 1999
@@ -75,6 +75,17 @@
# endif
+/* This is not included in GNU libc versions 2.1 and newer. */
+union semun
+ int val;
+ struct semid_ds *buf;
+ unsigned short int *array;
+ struct seminfo *__buf;
GV *gv;
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